At the faculty a unique training, research and production base has been created and is actively used. It includes 8 research laboratories and centers, ESPC "Agrocenter" international center "Hydroinformatics"....
In September 1913 higher agricultural courses were organized in Saratov. The employees of SSU became the first Professors: Zelenskiy V.R., Kuraev N.N., Poletaev V.N., Slavachevsky K.L., Bagaevsky G.V....
Area "Agronomy" Baccalaureate 35.03.04 - Agribusiness; - Plant protection and pest control; - Gardening and landscaping. Magistracy 35.04.04 - Innovative crop management; - Organic farming; -...
Science is everlasting, every day more and more tasks appear in it, and university education should endeavor to excite a desire to make contribution to the treasury of science. Mendeleev D.I. Deputy...
In 1922/23 academic year in the Saratov Agricultural Institute Reclamation faculty was opened, which included departments of forest melioration and agricultural melioration. In 1924 it was reorganized...
Throughout Russian history the Volga region was one of the largest regions of agricultural production. The geographical location of Saratov, the capital of the Volga agricultural region, already at the...
In July 1, 2013 there was reorganization (merger) of the two oldest faculties - "Agricultural Engineering and Technical Services" and "Electrification and energy supply" The History of the "Mechanization...
Area "Agroengineering" Baccalaureate 35.03.06 - Technical service of machines and equipment; - Innovative agricultural machinery; - Electrical equipment and electrical technologies. - Technical...
Area "Management" Baccalaureate 38.03.02 - Management. Magistracy 38.04.02 - Management. Area "Economics" Baccalaureate 38.03.01 - Accounting, analysis and audit; - Finance and Credit; -...
Area "Biotechnology" Baccalaureate 19.03.01 - Food biotechnology. Magistracy 19.04.01 - Food biotechnology. Area "Food products of vegetable raw materials" Baccalaureate 19.03.02 - Technology...
Science is a basic element that combines the thoughts of people scattered across the globe, and it is one of its greatest destinations. In my opinion, there is no human activity, where the agreement between...
Address: 410056, Saratov, Sovetskaya Street, 60 Contact telephone of the dean office: (8452)-74-96-57 e-mail: Position Surname, name, patronymic Office Phone...
Защита докторской диссертации 10 октября 2014 г. в 12.00 Родионова Ирина Анатольевна Тема диссертации: "СИСТЕМНАЯ...
Саратовский цирк им. братьев Никитиных
Снежное шоу Славы Полунина - смешное и фантастичное, увлекающее, трогательное и само собой незабываемое путешествие...
Дуровы - династия клоунов-дрессировщиков. Династия Запашных – династия укротителей, вольтижеров, акробатов,...
"Я подарю тебе звездный дождь. В жизни каждого человека бывают звездные дожди, чистые и удивительные: если не...