Areas of training
indexArea "Agronomy"
Baccalaureate 35.03.04
- Agribusiness;
- Plant protection and pest control;
- Gardening and landscaping.
Magistracy 35.04.04
- Innovative crop management;
- Organic farming;
- Integrated plant protection;
- Bionanotechnology in genetics and breeding;
- Intensive vegetable growing of protected ground.
Area "Land management and cadastre"
Baccalaureate 21.03.02
- Cadastre of real estate and management of territories.
Magistracy 21.04.02
- Real estate management and development of territories.
Area "Ecology and nature management"
Baccalaureate 05.03.06
- Ecology.
Magistracy 05.04.06
- Environmental review and audit.
Baccalaureate 35.03.04
- Agribusiness;
- Plant protection and pest control;
- Gardening and landscaping.
Magistracy 35.04.04
- Innovative crop management;
- Organic farming;
- Integrated plant protection;
- Bionanotechnology in genetics and breeding;
- Intensive vegetable growing of protected ground.
Area "Land management and cadastre"
Baccalaureate 21.03.02
- Cadastre of real estate and management of territories.
Magistracy 21.04.02
- Real estate management and development of territories.
Area "Ecology and nature management"
Baccalaureate 05.03.06
- Ecology.
Magistracy 05.04.06
- Environmental review and audit.