Contact Information
indexAddress: 410056, Saratov, Sovetskaya Street, 60
Contact telephone of the dean office: (8452)-74-96-57
Position |
Surname, name, patronymic |
Office |
Phone number |
The Dean |
Trushkin Vladimir Alexandrovich |
318 |
Vice-chancellor responsible for teaching students |
Levin Michael Alexandrovich |
318 |
(8452)-74-96-57 |
Vice-chancellor responsible for teaching students |
Makarov Sergey Anatoljevich |
318 |
Vice-chancellor responsible for scientific research and international relations |
СалиховАлександрНиколаевич Salihov Alexander Nikolajevich |
318 |
Vice –chancellor responsible for educational work |
ТюринИгорьЮрьевич Tyurin Igor Yurjevich |
320 |
The head of practical work |
mBakirov Sergey Michaelovich |
320 |
(8452)-74-96-19 |