The History of the Faculty

The History of the Faculty

In September 1913 higher agricultural courses were organized in Saratov. The employees of SSU became the first Professors: Zelenskiy V.R., Kuraev N.N., Poletaev V.N., Slavachevsky K.L., Bagaevsky G.V.
In 1918, courses were reorganized into Agricultural Institute and then into the Faculty of Agronomy of Classical University. Professor Medvedev B.H. was elected the first dean.
In the spring of 1922, the Agronomy Faculty was sorted out into independent Agricultural Institute, Professor Zelenskiy V.R. became its first rector.
In 1934, on the basis of Agricultural Institute the Plant Protection Faculty was opened. The initiator of its creation was an outstanding entomologist, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, member of the section of Plant Protection of All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences N.L. Saharov. The Faculty of Plant Protection is the first faculty of this profile in our country.
In different years outstanding scholars whose names are known all over the world worked at the Agronomy Faculty: N.M. Tulaykov, N.I. Vavilov, A.P. Shekhurdin, G.K. Meister, R.E. David, N.L. Sakharov, L.Z/ Zakharov, A.A. Megalov, A.A. Richter, V.R. Zalensky.
On January 23, 1981 Saratov Agricultural Institute was named after Academician N.I. Vavilov by Decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.
In 1994, Agricultural Institute was renamed into Saratov State Agricultural Academy named after N.I. Vavilov by the Order of State Committee of Russian Federation.
In 1998, by the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Food of Russian Federation Saratov State Agrarian University named after NI Vavilov was formed, the Academy entered it and received the status of Agricultural Institute. In 2005 there was reorganization of the University and it was divided into 15 faculties. Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture was A.F. Druzhkin, the Faculty of Plant Protection – S.I. Kalmykov.
In 2009 there was a reorganization of the university faculties and departments. After two faculties (Plant Protection and Agronomy) had merged into Agronomy Faculty D.A.Upolovnikov became its dean.
In November 2012 Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department "Crop production, plant breeding and genetics" Shyurova N.A. was appointed to the post of the Dean of the faculty.