The History of the Faculty

The History of the Faculty


In 1922/23 academic year in the Saratov Agricultural Institute Reclamation faculty was opened, which included departments of forest melioration and agricultural melioration. In 1924 it was reorganized into Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering faculty.

In connection with the revision of the network of agricultural universities in 1930 Reclamation department was allocated in Saratov Institute of Water Economy Engineers. Then again it was attached to Agricultural Institute having the status of one of its faculties.

Since 1934, the institute had stable faculties of Forest Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering. In 1942, the Hydraulic Engineering Faculty was transferred to the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization by order of the People's Commissariat of the USSR, and functioned as a faculty of Mechanization of irrigation and drainage works until 1956 inclusive.

The rebirth of the Hydraulic Engineering faculty refers to 1970, when accepting the challenges connected with the further development of agriculture in the south-east of the country the Institute was forced to urgently train engineers of land reclamation. For the purpose of training highly qualified specialists of land reclamation for the Volga region, in accordance with the letter of Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR of May 26-th, 1970, Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization named after M.I. Kalinin started training these specialists in the specialty 1511 "Hydromelioration" (at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization) since academic year 1970/1971.

The initiator of the faculty recreation and its dean since 1970 was the candidate of technical sciences, professor Lev Sakharov.

Later, by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the USSR, number 16, dated by January 30-th, 1978 two faculties were organized in the Institute: Mechanization of Land reclamation works and Land reclamation.

In 1993, meeting the changing requirements of the economy by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute on April 2, 1993 these two faculties merged into one faculty "Agriculture and Reclamation Construction," which in 1998 received a new name - "Reclamation and Rehabilitation of the village."

The initiator of organizing Forest Melioration (subsequently Forest Management) faculty and its first dean was Honorary Academician of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Nikolai Sousse. On

On January 20, 1998 in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of

 Saratov State Agricultural Academy named after N.I. Vavilov of 23.12. 1997 and the Charter of the Academy the Faculty of Forest Management was renamed into the faculty of Forestry without changing its organizational and management structure. All forest management and production associations of the Volga region are headed by graduates of the faculty. Most leaders and specialists of forestry enterprises of the Volga region are alumni of Forestry faculty of SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov.

In April 27, 1998 the Institute of Land Reclamation and Forests of Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov with the Faculty of Land Reclamation and Arrangement of the Village and the Forest Faculty was organized.

In 2005, the Institute of Land Reclamation and Forests was transformed into the faculties: "Environmental Engineering" and "Forest and Landscape Construction." In April 2009 these faculties were merged into the Faculty of Environmental Arrangement and Forestry.

The deans of the Forestry faculty at various times were: Professors N.I. Sousse and Dudorev M.A.; docents Serebrjakov F.I., Akaemova Z.I., Fedotov I.A., Zhurikhin D.S., Likhomanov A.F.

Since 1995 to 2009, the Forestry faculty was headed by Academician of RANS, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education Zyplakov Vladimir Vladimirovich.

The deans of Reclamation Faculty at various times were:

Associate Professor Sakharov L.N., Professor Pakhomov Y.I., Gamayunov V.P. Beguchev V.A., Bondarenko Yu.V., Yudaev N.V.

The director of the Institute of Land Reclamation and Forests from 1998 to 2005 was Professor Esin A.I.

The dean of the Faculty of Environmental Arrangement and Forestry since 2009 has been Ph.D., Associate Professor Soloviev D.A.

At present the faculty consists of eight departments and one branch:

Leading Departments

• - «Land improvement, restoration and protection of land" (the head of the Department is Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Nikishanov Alexander Nikolajevich);

• - «Forest management and forest melioration" (the head of the Department is Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Mashtakov Dmitry Anatolyevich);

• - « Safety of technical sphere, transport and technological machines" (the head of the Department is Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Solovyov Dmitry Alexandrovich);

• - «Geodesics, hydrology and hydrogeology" (the head of the Department is Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Yuri V. Bondarenko Yuri Vyacheslavovich);

• - «Organization and management of engineering works, construction and hydraulics";

• - «Landscape gardening and landscape construction" (the head of the Department is Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Tereshkin Alexander Valerjevich).

• - «Pedagogy, Psychology and Law" (the head of the Department was Doctor of Education, Professor Druzhkin Alexander Vasiljevich);

• - «Chemistry and Ecology" (the head of the Department is Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Semakov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich);

• - Branch of the Department of Physical Education (the head of Branch is Honored Master of Sports, Professor Tarasov Victor Alekseevich).


 125 teachers work at the departments of the faculty, 80% of them have scientific degrees candidates of sciences and PhD.