The History of the Faculty
indexIn July 1, 2013 there was reorganization (merger) of the two oldest faculties - "Agricultural Engineering and Technical Services" and "Electrification and energy supply"
The History of the "Mechanization of agriculture and technical services" Faculty is closely connected with the history of Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization named after Kalinin N.I.
In December 1, 1932 Council of People's Commissars decided to move Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineering to Saratov.
In November 1933 the Institute was detached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the USSR and renamed into Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization named after Kalinin N.I. (SIMSKH). At the same time the faculty of "Mechanization of agriculture" was organized the first dean of which was Alexei Ivanovich Goushchin.
In March 1934, the Faculty of Mechanization of Saratov Agricultural Institute joined SIMSKH. The leaders of Scientific schools and the heads of the chairs in the Faculty of "Agricultural Mechanization" were professors Kostrovsky V.V., Ulyanov A.F., Krasnikov V.V., teachers Skvornyuk P.A., Antipov V.V.
On January 1, 1967 the Faculty of "Agricultural Mechanization" was reorganized and transformed into the faculty of "Organization and technology of machines repairing" (OTRM). Specialists of this direction graduated from the Institute until 1990.
The Faculty of “Electrification and Power Supply” was founded in 1946 as the Faculty of “Agriculture Electrification”. Until 2000 engineers electricians had been trained on specialty "Electrification and automation in agriculture", and in 2000 there appeared a new specialty "Power supply of agricultural enterprises." In 2007 the Faculty started training bachelors of two directions:” Agroengineering” and “Heat Power Engineering ".
In connection with reorganization of departments in 200 the specialty “Gas Supply and Ventilation" was added to the Faculty. In 2011, the Magistrates was opened in the areas of training "Agroengineering", "Construction" and "Power system and Heating Engineering”.
On April 17, 1998 FSEIHPE "Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov" was established, which includes three universities training engineers.
On July 15, 2005 the Academic Council of the University made a decision to form the following faculties: "Agricultural Mechanization" and "Technical support". The Dean of the Faculty of "Agricultural Mechanization" was professor of the chair "Machine parts and PTM" Evgeny Evgenjevich Demin, the Dean of the faculty "Technical service" was Professor, the Head of the chair "Reliability and machines repairing" Valentin Vladimirovich Safonov.
On April 1, 2009 on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the University from 19 March 2009 "On the reorganization of university faculties and departments" the faculties "Agricultural Mechanization" and "Technical Service" were united into the faculty of "Agricultural Mechanization and Technical Service."
June 17, 2009 by the Academic Council SSAU dean "Mechanization of agriculture and technical services" elected Professor, Ph.D., Head of "Processes and agricultural machinery in agriculture" E.E.Demin.
On July 4, 2011 headed the department head of the "Reliability and repair of machines", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor VV Safonov.
The joint Faculty has trained more than 20,000 highly qualified professionals.
The faculty consists of 12 departments:
“Machine elements, lifting-and-shifting machines and strength of materials”- the head of the chair Professor, PhD Pavlov P.I.;
"Reliability and Repair of machines" - the head of the chair Professor, PhD. Safonov V.V. ;
"Engineering Graphics and Theoretical mechanics" - the head of the chair Professor, PhD Pavlov I.M.;
"Mechanical Engineering and Construction of materials" - the head of the chair PhD Chekmaryov V.V.;
"Engineering Physics"- the head of the chair Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Gestrin S.G.;
"The Use of Electricity in Agriculture"- the head of the chair Doctor of technical sciences, Professor Usanov K.M.;
"Operation of Power Equipment and Electrical Engineering” – the head of the chair Ph.D., Associate Professor Trushkin V.A.;
"Power Supply of Agricultural Enterprises" – the head of the chair Doctor of technical sciences, Professor Gluharёv V.A.;
"Heat Engineering, Gas Supply and Ventilation" – the head of the chair Doctor of technical sciences, professor Strel'nikov V.A.;
"Processes and Agricultural Machines in Agroindustrial Complex"- the head of the chair Professor, Ph.D. Demin E.E.
At present 173 teachers work at the faculty: 27 doctors and 105 candidates of sciences.
The faculty has a strong manufacturing base, where students undergo practical training: ESPC "Agrocentre"; LLC "World Technique"; OJSC "Saratov Diesel Equipment Plant"; ZAO "Agrosoyuzmarket."
Research is carried out in the areas:
• improving the efficiency of local energy supply systems in rural settlements and facilities based on the use of alternative energy sources;
• Resource – saving of technological processes of production and processing of agricultural products;
• Alternative and renewable energy sources;
• Automation of biotechnological processes in enterprises AIC;
• Mathematical modeling of radiation of charged dislocations moving in ionic crystals;
• Artificial dielectrics based on titanium, barium in the polymeric matrix;
• Improving the efficiency of operation of electrical equipment in agriculture;
• Diagnosis of the state of electrical equipment in conditions of Technological process;
• Improving the efficiency of energy supply of agricultural enterprises;
• The faculty has 7 research laboratories:
• SRL of new technologies and technical means in the agricultural sector;
• SRL of piston and sealing rings;
• SRL "Diagnosis and repair of engine fuel systems"
• Industry Laboratory of special alloys;
• SRL "Application of nanomaterials in engineering and repair production";
• REC “Russian Tractor”
• SRL "Alternative and renewable sources of energy and automation of biological processes"
• SPETL "Energoservice"
4 small innovative enterprises are opened at the Faculty:
• LLC "Whirlwind"
• LLC Scientific Innovation Center Ltd. "Agpropromtehspetsservis"
• LLC "Alter".
Every year, teachers and students have an international internship abroad: in Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. This internship resulted in prolongation of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Faculty and Institute of Agricultural engineering of Bonn University until 2011. Every year 10 to 12 students pass the annual agricultural practices and training in Germany under the program Doyle, in Switzerland under the program of the host organization «Agroimpuls» and Sweden under the program of the host organization «JUF».
Graduates of the faculty are government officials, heads of district administrations areas in the region, managers of large enterprises, research institutes and companies:
Volodin V.V. - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, the secretary of the general council of the party "United Russia", Doctor of Law, Professor; Zaigralov Y.A. - General Director of "Volga Oil Resource", chairman of Saratov regional Consumers Union, Saratov Regional Duma deputy, Ph.D., professor;
Lobaznov EA - State Inspector of the Territorial Directorate of the Federal Service of financial - budgetary supervision of Saratov region, PhD;
Baboshkin AV - Deputy of the State Duma.