Scientific - research work
indexScience is everlasting, every day more and more tasks appear in it, and university education should endeavor to excite a desire to make contribution to the treasury of science.
Mendeleev D.I.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
and International Relations,
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Kurasova Ludmila Gennadievna
Agronomy Faculty has great potential and vast opportunities in increasing the volume of research work. Teaching staff, postgraduate students, masters and students take part in research work at the Agronomy Faculty.
Research priorities of the Faculty development are:
"Resource saving and environmentally safe agriculture":
- "Integrated control techniques of soil fertility regulation and crop production on the basis of resource-saving technologies";
- "Selection of varieties of field, vegetable, fruit and berry crops";
- "Implementation of environmentally safe technologies for complex plant protection";
- "Improving the design technologies of growing plants in agricultural landscapes";
- "Justification of new methods of land reclamation, restoration and protection of land";
- "Development of a set of measures for waste and by-products processing in agricultural production";
- "Development of technology for aerospace and agroecological monitoring of land and natural resources".
Scientific and research work at the Agronomy Faculty is successfully performed through academic schools: "The reproduction of soil fertility" (supervisor Prof. Denisov E.P.); "An integrated system of plant protection" (supervisor Prof. Eskov I.D.); "Genetic and Breeding School" (supervisor Prof. Lobachyov Y.V.), "System of fertilizers and soil fertility in the Volga region" (supervisor Prof. Pron'ko V.V.); "Advanced technologies in fruit growing in the Volga region" (supervisor Prof. Ryabushkin Y.B.); "Improvement of methods of land management and environmental areas of agricultural landscapes" (supervisor Prof. Tuktarov B.I.); "Adaptive Crop Growing" (supervisor Prof. Shevtsova L.P.).
Teaching staff at the Faculty improve their professional qualification through doctorate in 5 specialties and postgraduate studies in 10 specialties.
Agronomy Department is actively developing research and innovation infrastructure of the University, participating in the program "Formation of innovative infrastructure of development resource saving, bioengineering and food technologies of agrarian and food complex." To succeed its main objectives certain measures have been taken at the Faculty to create small innovative enterprises and provide training and research units with latest equipment and software. At present scientific and innovative infrastructure of the faculty is presented by nine divisions:
Ltd. "Innovative arable farming";
LLC "Land management technologies";
UNPO "The Volga region";
UNPK "Agrocenter";
ESPC "Land management and land usage";
ESPC "Improving technologies of fruit and vegetable and wine production";
UNIL "Selection and experimental seed growing";
NEIL "Resource-conserving agriculture";
NEIL "Cadastral technologies and land monitoring".
In the experimental field researches are carried out with the purpose of creating innovative products (varieties and hybrids of crops, technologies of their cultivation, tillage practices, techniques of improving soil fertility), and measures for the implementation of scientific developments in agricultural production (seed growing of new crop varieties, organizing demonstration sowings, consulting farmers on the problems of improving soil fertility) are taken.
The Faculty teachers annually participate in the performance of contracts through the association "Agricultural education and science", participate in international, national and regional conferences both at the university and in the off-site organizations, enterprises, universities and research institutes.
In 2012, the teaching staff, doctoral and postgraduate students participated in 63 (in 2011- 62) international, national and regional conferences.
Scientists of the faculty actively develop international relationship to enhance researches. The faculty accomplishes international activities in several priority areas: 1) participation in international educational and scientific programs, 2) organization and participation of teaching staff in international conferences, forums, exhibitions, contests, 3) publication of articles in international journals and international editions, 4) improving qualifications of teaching staff abroad, 5) training foreign citizens, 6) participation of students of faculty in international conferences, forums, contests, 7), trips of students to agricultural practices abroad, 8) work with official delegations.
Mendeleev D.I.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
and International Relations,
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Kurasova Ludmila Gennadievna
Agronomy Faculty has great potential and vast opportunities in increasing the volume of research work. Teaching staff, postgraduate students, masters and students take part in research work at the Agronomy Faculty.
Research priorities of the Faculty development are:
"Resource saving and environmentally safe agriculture":
- "Integrated control techniques of soil fertility regulation and crop production on the basis of resource-saving technologies";
- "Selection of varieties of field, vegetable, fruit and berry crops";
- "Implementation of environmentally safe technologies for complex plant protection";
- "Improving the design technologies of growing plants in agricultural landscapes";
- "Justification of new methods of land reclamation, restoration and protection of land";
- "Development of a set of measures for waste and by-products processing in agricultural production";
- "Development of technology for aerospace and agroecological monitoring of land and natural resources".
Scientific and research work at the Agronomy Faculty is successfully performed through academic schools: "The reproduction of soil fertility" (supervisor Prof. Denisov E.P.); "An integrated system of plant protection" (supervisor Prof. Eskov I.D.); "Genetic and Breeding School" (supervisor Prof. Lobachyov Y.V.), "System of fertilizers and soil fertility in the Volga region" (supervisor Prof. Pron'ko V.V.); "Advanced technologies in fruit growing in the Volga region" (supervisor Prof. Ryabushkin Y.B.); "Improvement of methods of land management and environmental areas of agricultural landscapes" (supervisor Prof. Tuktarov B.I.); "Adaptive Crop Growing" (supervisor Prof. Shevtsova L.P.).
Teaching staff at the Faculty improve their professional qualification through doctorate in 5 specialties and postgraduate studies in 10 specialties.
Agronomy Department is actively developing research and innovation infrastructure of the University, participating in the program "Formation of innovative infrastructure of development resource saving, bioengineering and food technologies of agrarian and food complex." To succeed its main objectives certain measures have been taken at the Faculty to create small innovative enterprises and provide training and research units with latest equipment and software. At present scientific and innovative infrastructure of the faculty is presented by nine divisions:
Ltd. "Innovative arable farming";
LLC "Land management technologies";
UNPO "The Volga region";
UNPK "Agrocenter";
ESPC "Land management and land usage";
ESPC "Improving technologies of fruit and vegetable and wine production";
UNIL "Selection and experimental seed growing";
NEIL "Resource-conserving agriculture";
NEIL "Cadastral technologies and land monitoring".
In the experimental field researches are carried out with the purpose of creating innovative products (varieties and hybrids of crops, technologies of their cultivation, tillage practices, techniques of improving soil fertility), and measures for the implementation of scientific developments in agricultural production (seed growing of new crop varieties, organizing demonstration sowings, consulting farmers on the problems of improving soil fertility) are taken.
The Faculty teachers annually participate in the performance of contracts through the association "Agricultural education and science", participate in international, national and regional conferences both at the university and in the off-site organizations, enterprises, universities and research institutes.
In 2012, the teaching staff, doctoral and postgraduate students participated in 63 (in 2011- 62) international, national and regional conferences.
Scientists of the faculty actively develop international relationship to enhance researches. The faculty accomplishes international activities in several priority areas: 1) participation in international educational and scientific programs, 2) organization and participation of teaching staff in international conferences, forums, exhibitions, contests, 3) publication of articles in international journals and international editions, 4) improving qualifications of teaching staff abroad, 5) training foreign citizens, 6) participation of students of faculty in international conferences, forums, contests, 7), trips of students to agricultural practices abroad, 8) work with official delegations.