Training, research and production base
indexAt the faculty a unique training, research and production base has been created and is actively used. It includes 8 research laboratories and centers, ESPC "Agrocenter" international center "Hydroinformatics".
Agrarian University jointly with Ministry of Forestry of Saratov region and Head Office of Emergency of Russia in Saratov region on the basis of the OSU "Viazovsky training and experimental forest farm" (v. Vyazovka Tatishchevsky District of Saratov region) put into operation teaching, research and production center for forestry development, natural fire fighting and training volunteer fire fighting and rescue units, which have been working since 2010. The center includes fire-chemical station, dispatching office, specialized teaching laboratories for prevention and suppression of forest fires, fire fighting arrangement of forests, a dormitory with 150 seats, a dining room, production base for the introduction of scientific developments in the field of fire fighting. On the basis of this center, the training course "The Head of fighting forest fires" is provided.
At the faculty three small innovative enterprises (“Consulting-Engineering-Project”, “Landscape-Construction-Service”, “Safety of Technical Sphere”) were created and are successfully developed. The following facilities were established and are widely used in the educational process: interdepartmental Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, a training center for firefighters and rescuers, the laboratory creating objects of landscape architecture, modern laboratory of irrigation systems and landscape arrangement, the laboratory of forest machines and so on.
Research work at the Faculty is carried out in relevant scientific fields, the foundation for which was laid by Professor, Honorary Academician of All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences N.I.Sousse. Currently 8 scientific schools are functioning at the faculty in the field of forest reclamation, technologies and means of forest reclamation and complex hydraulics, hydrology, under the supervision of doctors, Professors Abdrazakov F.K., Bondarenko U.V., Esin A.I., Kravchuk A.V., Proezdov P.N., Pron'ko N.A., Slyusarenko V.V., and V.V. Tsyplakov. Amount of researches at the Faculty accounted for 28.7 mln. rubles. (more than 230 thousand rubles per teacher) in 2012.
The Faculty holds All-Russian Olympiads on forestry, landscaping and landscape construction. At the faculty there are 14 permanent scientific student circles.
The Faculty of Environmental Arrangement and Forestry is a modern powerful base for scientific and practical activities and education and has a significant influence on the development of innovative capacity and the improvement of economical activities in the region.