Areas of training

Areas of training

Area "Biotechnology"

Baccalaureate 19.03.01
- Food biotechnology.

Magistracy 19.04.01
- Food biotechnology.

Area "Food products of vegetable raw materials"

Baccalaureate 19.03.02
- Technology of bread, pastry and pasta.

Magistracy 19.04.02
- Technology of bakery and pastry products for special kinds of food.

Area "Food products of animal raw materials"

Baccalaureate 19.03.03
- Meat and meat products technology;
- Milk and milk product technology.

Magistracy 38.04.02
- Biotechnology of products of animal origin.

Area "Products and catering technology"

Baccalaureate 19.03.04
- Catering business;
- Production technology of industrial food.

Magistracy 19.04.04
- Technology and design of catering industry.

Area "Aquatic resources and aquaculture"

Baccalaureate 35.03.08
- Aquaculture.

Magistracy 35.04.08
- Aquaculture.

Area "Animal husbandry"

Baccalaureate 36.03.02
- Livestock management.

Magistracy 36.04.02
-Technology production of livestock products.

Area "Merchandizing"

Baccalaureate 38.03.07
- Merchandizing and goods examination in the sphere of production and circulation of agricultural raw materials and industrial goods;
- Merchandizing and goods examination in the sphere of production and circulation of non-food products and raw materials

Area "Veterinary"

Specialist 36.05.01
- Veterinary;
- Diseases of the small non-productive animals;
- Veterinary-sanitary examination;
- Birds biology and pathology;
- Veterinary pharmacy.

Area "Quality control "

Magistracy 27.04.02
- organizational and management systems.