Research work

Research work


Science is a basic element that combines the thoughts of people scattered across the globe, and it is one of its greatest destinations. In my opinion, there is no human activity, where the agreement between people would be so obvious.

Frederic Joliot-Curie

Vice-chancellor responsible for Research and Innovation and International Relations, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.N. Salihov

Scientific achievements are successfully implemented in agricultural sector, as well as in educational process aimed at preparation of scientific personnel. Their training is done through postgraduate and doctoral studies in the following specialties: 05.20.01 Technologies and means of mechanization of agriculture; 05.20.03 0Tehnologies and maintenance facilities in agriculture; 08.00.01 Economic Theory; 08.00.05.Ekonomics and management of the economy; 02.00.02 Pedagogy and Psychology.  Dissertation Council D 220.067.03 functions to provide the defence of candidate and doctoral theses.

The results of research work of the faculty are used in studying special subjects, delivering the author's courses of lectures, conducting laboratory and practical training, performing course and diploma projects, master's, master's and doctoral qualifying works. Scientific developments are introduced in series production at such enterprises as JSC "KAMAZ-Diesel, OAO NPK" Uralvagonzavod "," Altrak "," Saratovmeliovodhoz "Stavropol factory piston rings (STAPRI) FSI" Saratovvodstroy ", JSC" Volgodizelapparat "Volga Railways, JSC "SalskSelMash" and FSUE "Contact".

Subject matter of research work of the faculty has the following areas:

Saving technologies and complex of technical means for manure and poultry excrement processing into highly efficient organic fertilizers to improve soil fertility. Developer – the Department of "Mechanization and technology in animal husbandry" (the scientific topics supervisor - Spevak N.V., Spevak V.Ya.).

Development of loading devices for excavation of silage and haylage from storage. Developer - the Department of "Theoretical mechanics and TMM" (the scientific topics supervisor - professor. Pavlov I.M.) together with the plant "Salskselmash" (p. Giant of Rostov Region).

Development of technologies for the recovery of parts of agricultural machinery carried out by the Department of "Reliability and repair of machines."

In addition, the faculty is constantly expanding its international contacts. Departments of the Faculty cooperate with universities of near abroad and far abroad in the field of scientific research, developing teaching materials, participating in conferences, congresses, spacebridges, apply to participating in international competitions for receiving grants for performing research work. At the moment the cooperation with the Western Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan (Kazakhstan) is being accomplished.

 The faculty also participates in competitions, exhibitions, grants.

- Participation in the development of the regional program and the concept of development of industry and agribusiness in Saratov Oblast until 2015, program of agribusiness development in Saratov region until 2020.

- Participation in competitions for young scientists, graduate students to perform research program "Egghead" of Small Business Assistance Fund, the All-Russian competition of Russian agrarian movement "The best innovative project in the field of agriculture,"  competition organized by Russian President "Young PhD."

- Saratov Annual Salon of inventions and innovations.

- Russian Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition "Golden Autumn".


- Youth Innovation Forum of the Volga Federal District.