Specialties and areas of training

Specialties and areas of training


 At the faculty the enrollment of students is done in the areas of training Bachelors, Specialists and Masters of the following specialties: forest management, environmental engineering, fighting with natural and anthropogenic fires, landscape architecture. The staff of the Faculty trains specialists for 5 regional branch ministries and governmental agencies.

Specialties and areas of training: - training area 250100.62 "Forest business" profile "Forestry" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering); - Training area 280100.62 "Environmental Engineering and Water Use" profiles "Land reclamation, restoration and protection of land", "Integrated use and protection of water resources" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering); - Training area 190100.62 "Land transport and technological systems," profile "Machinery and equipment for emergency response, disaster relief and fire fighting" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering). - Training area 250700.62 "Landscape architecture" profile "Landscape gardening and landscape construction" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering); - Specialty 280705.65 "Fire Safety", specialization "Wildfires and their control", "Fire Fighting" (Specialist - 5 years of training, qualification - Specialist); - Training area 280700.62 “ Security of technical sphere" profile "Fire Safety" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering).


Also the following Master's Degree programs are being taught: (2 years of training qualification – Specialist- Master): - Areas of training 250100.68 "Forest business", - 280100.68 "Environmental Engineering and Water Use", - 190100.68 "Land transport and technological systems", - 250700.68 “Landscape architecture”. At the departments of the Faculty postgraduate and doctoral training is done on the following specialties (engineering and agricultural sciences): - 06.03.04 – Forestry in agriculture, protective forest plantation and greening of human settlements, forest fires and their control, - 06.01.02 - Land improvement, restoration and protection of land, - 03.00.16 – Ecology, - 21.05.01 - Technology and equipment for logging and forestry.