Research and innovation activities

Research and innovation activities

Research work of the department staff of the Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology Faculty is designed to ensure the production of high quality livestock products using the latest methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of farm animals.
Medicinal preparations were developed and obtained, fundamentally new ways of treating animals were proposed. Their use can increase the efficiency of conducting diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive measures and the resistance of animals to diseases and have a positive impact on increasing of the production of livestock products and improving of their quality.
Federal programs are being implemented:
- "Monitoring of the epizootic situation and prevention of parasitic diseases of animals on farms of different types (03.04.01 DZ; 03.04.03 D 2);
- programs of fundamental and priority applied research to improve scientific development of agriculture of the Russian Federation (Veterinary medicine);
- State-budget state program "Meat" (Technology of animal product production);
- breeding plant for sheep rearing of Volgograd breed (JSC "Petropavlovskoye" of Novouzensky District), breeding reproducer of Kazakh white head breed of cattle (Farm "Vostok" of Novouzensky District), small innovative enterprise LLC VolgaPlemConsalting" were created under the leadership and personal involvement of the head of the "Technology of Production of Livestock Products and Breeding" department, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science Lushnikov V.P.
LLC "Center of industrial fish farming" was created under the leadership of the head of "Feeding, zoohygiene and aquaculture" department, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Vasiliev A.A.
In order to develop creativity and creative thinking, to broaden knowledge and scientific outlook of students scientific work is included in the educational process, as well as is performed outside the classroom at the departments of the faculty – SRSW (Scientific Research Student Work), and in the educational process – ERSW (Educational Research Student Work) is included in the curricula, guided by which each department organized scientific student circles.
Annually Olympiads and scientific student conferences are held. The students of the faculty actively participate in scientific conferences at Universities of other cities (Ulyanovsk, Moscow, Belgorod, Kazan and others), and make reports at the Moscow International Veterinary Congress.
Science project for participation in All-Russian competition of scientific programs "Living systems" presented by the staff from the Obstetrics and Surgery departments of FSBEI HPE "Saratov State Agrarian University” and the Research Institute of Measuring Instrumentation was recognized as the winner. The grant amount was 18 000 000 roubles.
Employees of the faculty departments conducting research have the cooperation agreements with Moscow academic institutes (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Helminthology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, Voronezh (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics), Saratov (Russian Scientific Research Anti-plague Institute "Microbe", Institute of Biochemistry, Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Agricultural Research Institute of the South-East, Saratov State Chernyshevsky University, Research Veterinary station RAAS (Russian Academy of Agricaltural Scienses).
On 15th-17th of February 2012 Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation Vorotnikov I.L., the Dean of the faculty Molchanov A.V. and the Head of the "Feeding zoohygiene and aquaculture" department Vasiliev A.A. have been taking a trainee course within the program "The development of innovative infrastructure at the university of Sweden at the example of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences."
On 29th -31st of May 2012 Vice-Rector for Educational Work, the Head of the "Parasitology, epizootiology and Veterinary Sanitary Examination" department Larionov S.V., Dean of the faculty Molchanov A.V. and Director of ESTC "Veterinary Hospital" Rykhlov A.S. have been taking a trainee course within the program "Training centers in preparation and re-training of veterinary specialists", Spain, Castiglione, Mediterranean Training Center. On 28th -31st of January 2013 Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Head of the "Parasitology, epizootiology and Veterinary Sanitary Examination" department Larionov S.V., Dean of the Faculty Molchanov A.V. and Head of the "Feeding zoohygiene and aquaculture" department Vasiliev A.A. took part in the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry within the framework of international cooperation.
Creative teams of the Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology Faculty demonstrated their scientific and technical developments at the following exhibitions:
- achievements of agroindustrial complex of Saratov region, dedicated to the Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry;
- annual All-Russian Exhibition of breeding animals (Stavropol - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.)
- permanent exhibition of scientific and technical developments FSBEI HPO "Saratov State Agrarian University";
- in 2012, grants were won: postgraduate student Pyazing E.V. (supervisor - professor Skorlyakov V.M.) won the grant "Research and Innovation Competition "UMNIK (wise man)"and 200 000 roubles per year and associate professor Akchurin S.V. won a 50 000 rouble grant "Formation of innovative infrastructure of development of resource-saving, bioengineering and food technologies of agricultural and food complex";
- 2 patents were received: "The holder of the soft biological tissue to microtom» RU 2435152, IPC A 61 G 01 N 1/06 Published 27.11.2011, authors - Salautin V.V., Katkov N.V .; "Device for rapprochement of the wound edges» RU2440064, IPC A 61 1/00 Published 20-01-2012, the authors - Salautin V.V., Katkov N.V. and a positive decision on granting a patent for the invention "Fluorescent microscopic method of assessment of the state of the intracellular metabolism of organic substances in the wall of the glandular stomach of birds at clebcyellosis was opened " Registration № 2011127028/10, the author - Akchurin S.V. The most relevant scientific developments are protected by patents.
In 2008, at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology opened Training courses for qualification improvement on the program "Legal aspects of the pharmaceutical activities performing by the organizations in the field of use of medicinal products intended for animals." Also, Educational- Scientific-Technical center "Veterinary hospital" became the winner of the contest "Golden Scalpel" in the nomination "The Clinic of the Year".
The training of the teaching staff at the Faculty is performed through the postgraduate and doctoral studies. 18 doctors of sciences, professors perform the supervision of postgraduate students.
In 2001 Two Dissertation Councils for doctoral and candidate theses on specialties 16.00.01 "Diagnosis and therapy of animals", 16.00.02 "Pathology, oncology and morphology of animals", 16.00.07 "Veterinary Obstetrics and bioengineering of animal Reproduction", 03.00.19 "Parasitology", 03.00.07 "Microbiology" began operating and continue to operate successfully.
By order of the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation dated 31.05.2001 doctoral studies on the following specialties 06.02.04 "Animal husbandry, livestock product production technology", 16.00.06 "Veterinary sanitation, ecology, zoohygiene and veterinary-sanitary examination" and 16.00.07 "Veterinary obstetrics and animal reproduction bioengineering" was opened.
690 scientific and methodological articles in journals, collections of works of different level and value were published the main areas of scientific activity staff departments of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. In addition, 202 methodological appliances and recommendations were published.