The history of the faculty of veterinary medicine and biotechnology

The history of the faculty of veterinary medicine and biotechnology

Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology Faculty is one of the oldest in the country. It originates from the Yuriev Veterinary College opened in 1848 in Derpt, which was transformed into Veterinary Institute in 1873. At this time physical, chemical, mineralogical, physiological, pathological and agricultural study rooms, educational model forge, room for horse shoes worked at the Institute; there was a collection of pharmacological and dental preparations, a collection of zoo-surgical instruments, a library; surgical clinic, therapeutic clinic, clinic of infectious diseases and a pharmacy were opened. The staff of teachers and employees was 20 people.
On the 15th of July, 1918 Yuriev Veterinary Institute moved in Saratov where it continued its activities headed by Professor F.K. Karaulov, the first Director of Saratov Veterinary Institute. Teaching staff consisted of only 11 people. These were professor F.K. Karaulov, Y. H. Negotin, L.G. Spassky, N.L. Yustov, D.S. Ruzhentsev, teachers A.V. Sinev, A.V. Makashev, L.S. Gogel, N. V. Prozorov, H. I. Martinson, I.G. Kostenko. Then veterinary practical workers and zootechnians (I.A. Dobrosmyslov, I.I. Kadykov, later professors), as well as scientists of the Saratov universities and universities of other cities (academician A.A. Bogomolets, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.V. Chelintsev, professors V.S. Worms, A.A. Kultyugin, A.R. Evgrafov, M.A. Polansky, K.D. Mikhailov, O. V. Garkavi, V.G. Bogaevsky, N. G. Kolosov) were involved to work at the Institute. Professor Evgrafov A. R. was director of the Institute since 1929. A new institute was the fifth higher educational veterinary institution in Russia and one of the first which was opened in the Volga region. Having located in Saratov, the Institute in the first year of its existence prepared 16 experts-veterinarians.
In 1930 Zootechnical Faculty was opened at the initiative of professor A.R. Evgrafov and since that time the Institute was renamed Zootechnical-Veterinary. In 1947 the correspondence department was opened.1932-1937 were the years of intense construction work for the institute. At this time the buildings for therapeutic, surgical, diagnostic clinics and educational forge were built. The foundations of the buildings for obstetrics and epizootic clinics were laid. In a short time the institute was equipped with the latest radiographic and physiotherapeutic equipment, training sound motion picture apparatus was mounted. Along with intensive academic work an interesting and important research was carried out at the Institute. For the first time in our country the textbook on animal hygiene (the author is professor Dobromyslov I.A.), the textbook on surgery of professor Kadykov I.I. were published, professor of therapy Polyansky M.A. developed the textbook section on pathology and therapy of domestic animals.
On the 22nd of June 1941 the Great Patriotic war began. Most part of the Institute staff went to the front: the head of the Biochemistry department Babin Y.A., the head of the Animal Husbandry department Markushin A.P., the head of the Animal Feeding department Burmistrov A.S., assistants Kolchanov N.H., Saraikin I.M. and others. Such graduates as Ershov K.V., Tiflov A.A., Velikanov V.D., Egorov M.P. and others fought on the fronts of the war. Many of them were awarded government awards for their courage and heroism, among them the Hero of the Soviet Union Zakharov V.N., such Institute employees as Barsukov A.I., Kolchanov N. I., Kurapov S.I., Malyavin I.T., Fedorov S.S., Chubarov I.A. perished in fighting for our Motherland. In 1955-1963 the Institute was headed by professor Kolesov A.M., who created the scientific therapeutic school, traditions of which are continued today. In June 1998 Veterinary Medicine Academy and Biotechnology amalgamated into Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University (rector Dvorkin B.Z.).
In the period of 1998-2009, the existing faculty worked at 2 separate faculties: Veterinary Medicine Faculty and Biotechnology Faculty.
By the order of the rector of the University Kuznetsov N.I., due to reorganization, FSEI HPE "Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University", dated 23rd of March 2009 a new faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology was formed.
50 doctors, 300 candidates of sciences were prepared during the years of its existence, graduates of the Institute work on the farms of Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Penza, Tambov Kalinin, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Chelyabinsk regions and Kazakhstan. Many graduates of the Institute were awarded the honorary title of Honored Veterinarian or Honored Zootechnician of Russia.
Only during the last 6 years 15 monographs, 38 training appliances, 7 collections of scientific works, 32 brochures and 347 articles were published by the Institute staff.
Currently more than 120 teachers (among them there are doctors of sciences, professors - 30, candidates of sciences – 82) work at 7 departments.
The entire teaching staff does its best to prepare highly qualified specialists of agricultural production.
Specialties and areas of training
Area of training 111100.68 "Animal science"
Area of training 111400.68 "Water bioresources and aquaculture"
Area of training 19.03.01 "Biotechnology"
Area of training 19.03.03 "Animal food products"
Area of training 240700.68 "Biotechnology"
Area of training 35.03.08 "Water bioresources and aquaculture"
Area of training 36.03.02 "Animal science"
Specialty 36.05.01 "Veterinary Medicine"