Basic information

Basic information

Legal address
• Full name of the educational institution: the Marx agricultural College - branch of Federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education "Saratov state agrarian University named after N. I.Vavilov"
• Index, region, city, street, house: 413092, Lenin Ave, 60, Saratov region, Marx city
• Telephones: Fax 8(84567) 5-13-07; teaching department - 8(84567) 5-24-76; personnel department- 8(84567) 5-21-59; accounts department - 8(84567) 5-21-59
Branch Director: Igor Anatolievich Kucherenko, acting under power of attorney b/n from 09.01.2014,
Date of establishment of the institution (year, month, day,): Marx agricultural College - branch of Federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education "Saratov state agrarian University named after N. I.Vavilov" established by the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 184 dated 16.03.2012 in coordination with the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of education of Saratov region, Administration of the Marx municipal district of Saratov region.
The license to educational activities (a copy of the license and its enclosure are available)
• Batch - L
• Number - 0000579
• Registration number - 0528
• Date of issue - 04.02.2013,
• Validity period - unlimited
The certificate on the state accreditation
• Batch - A
• Number - 0000574
• Registration number - 0570
• Date of issue - 24.04.2013,
• Issued by the Federal service for supervision in education and science
The list of educational programs
080114.51 Economics and accounting (on branches)
110809.51 Farm mechanization
110810.51 electrification and automation of agriculture
120714.51 Land and property relations
190631.51 service and repair of transport
270841.51 Installation and operation of equipment and gas systems
Director - Kucherenko Igor Anatolyevich, phone (84567) 5-13-07
Vice Director on educational work - Pehowa Svetlana Vitaliyevna, phone (84567) 5-29-62
Vice Director for practical training and employment of graduates - Pugacheva Marina Talchatovna, phone (84567) 5-25-83
Head of mechanical Department Evseev Sergey Gennadyevich, phone (84567) 5-25-83
Head of technical Department - Koval Lyudmila Valentinovna, phone (84567) 5-25-83
Head of the correspondence Department Pryanishnikova Tamara Victorovna, phone (84567) 5-25-83
Head of the Department of education and social work – Natalia A. Morozova, Ph. (84567) 5-25-83
Head of the Department of buildings and structures - Divakov Vladimir Veniaminovich, phone (84567) 5-25-83
Head of the Department of practical training and employment of students Kiseleva Tatyana Ivanovna, phone (84567) 5-25-83
Senior accountant - Altukhova Irina Andreevna, phone (84567) 5-25-17
Personnel relations specialist Shulga Svetlana Anatolievna, phone (84567) 5-21-59
Specialist on methodical work Sergeeva Rumija Hamzaevna, phone (84567) 5-25-83
Head of thing department - Litke Tamara Ilinichna, phone (84567) 5-24-76
Secretary of the head Kulakov Olga Sergeevna, phone (84567) 5-25-83
Personal account 20606Ш58560
Transit account 40501810900002000002, GRKC Bank of Russia across Saratov region, Saratov, BIC 046311001
Statistical codes: OGRN 1026403670050, OKPO 43727439, NACE 80.22.21
Data of promoter and curator
Name of founder: Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation
Address: ind., region, city, street, house: 107139, Moscow, Orlikov lane, h. 1/11 Curator: Khromushin Vladimir Vasilievich
The position of curator: the Vice-Rector for secondary vocational education, privity and land relations.
Curator’s phone: 8(8452) 26-25-24