On January 26, 2019 SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov held an open door. As part of career guidance work to attract foreign citizens for admission to the University, foreigners visited the campus №2.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Engineering D.A. Soloviev told the students about interesting and promising areas of training and research work on structural undergraduate and graduate programs. The students learned that the faculty has specialized educational laboratories where scientific research is carried out in the field of engineering and technical support of the agroindustrial area.
The presentation was detailed in the laboratory of irrigation and drainage machines and the "Center for training firefighters and rescuers." All those present got acquainted with the veteran of labor, a member of the regional Council of War and Labor Veterans, armed law enforcement agencies, the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Forestry Workers of the Saratov Region, “Honored Forester of the Russian Federation” V. I. Kuksov. Vladimir Ivanovich worked in the forest industry for more than 60 years, spoke about the prestige of this profession and gave many interesting and informative examples from his work activity.
The greatest interest was aroused by visiting the museum of the Department of Forestry and Landscape Construction, where foreigners learned a lot about the most promising professions, such as “Forestry” and “Landscape Architecture”.
Panfilov A.V. spoke about the sports complex with an indoor pool, the system of functioning of more than 30 different sections, sports achievements and outstanding athletes of our university and the opportunity to play sports.
Excursion of foreign students to SSAU UK No. 2