On the 20th of September the talent show-contest "Hello, we are looking for talents!" was held at the Agronomy faculty. The 1st and 2nd year students demonstrated their abilities in music, dance, original genre and others.
The winners are:
Music - Mukhortova Irina
Theatre - Iovleva Alexandra
Dance - "AF DANCE" team
Original genre - KVN team "Vegetables named after N. I. Vavilov"
Grand Prix of the contest - Panova Anna
Special prize - Jeronimo Fernandez
The results of the media competition "Why I chose SSAU?" (Correspondence phase) are:
Best essay - Zyukova Olga
Best photo - Vlasenko Svetlana
The best video - Kulyasov Anton
10. Vavilov Scientific Conference - 2016 14.09.2016
Hello, we are looking for talents!