Messages from the State of Kentucky, the USA.
The "Therapy, Obstetrics and Pharmacology" chair of faculty of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of SGAU of N. I. Vavilov participates annually in scientific competitions of various level:
a) European,
b) international,
c) regional,
d) the interuniversity.
The come 2015 didn't become an exception. The international competition "Young Scientist of Alltech" will be held in some stages, final - in the city of Lexington, State of Kentucky of the USA, in May of the current year. Our chair for participation in competition directed three works. The first work was performed by the graduate student of 1 year of training Loginova D. S. - "A laparotomy at treatment of left-side shift of a maw at cows of golshtino-frizsky breed". Works of students of Zheltikova D. S. 501 "Diagnostics, Treatment and Prevention of Acidosis of a Hem at Highly Productive Dairy Cows of Golshtino-frizsky Breed" groups and Perelygina A.A., Pukalova K.A. 401 "Diagnostics, Treatment and Prevention of an Adipozno-gepatichesky Fatty Syndrome of Highly Productive Dairy Cows of Golshtino-frizsky Breed" groups as well as are executed by Loginova D. S. under the leadership of Kalyuzhny I.I. professors., Volkova A.A., Barinova N. D.
Last 2014 five scientific reports were prepared:
1. Babukhin S.N., 501 groups - "Diagnostics and treatment of a ketoz at highly productive dairy cows".
2. Kechina O. L., 501 groups - "Diagnostics and treatment of a gepatoz at highly productive cows of golshtino-frizsky breed".
3. Loginova D. S., 501 groups - "Adaptations of import cattle in the conditions of farms of the Russian Federation".
4. Kramareva E.A., 401 groups - "Morphological changes of bodies of laboratory animals when using in a diet of hypermarket of soy meal".
5. Sosnovtseva A.V., 501 groups - "Studying of influence of hypermarket of soy meal on life expectancy of laboratory animals".
Research supervisors of these works were Kalyuzhny I.I., Volkov A.A., Barinov N. D.

In S. N. Babukhin's work topical issues of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of metabolic violations at highly productive cows of golshtino-frizsky breed were considered. High efficiency of animals, certainly, an important indicator for the solution of problems of volume of production, but unfortunately, during use of animals arises a number of diseases of alimentary character, including кетоз – violation of a carbohydrate and fatty exchange in an organism. It is one of the most widespread diseases of animals, the author offers methods of prevention and treatment of cows. Work has no methodical remarks and has high theoretical and practical level.
O. L. Kechina's work is also devoted to topical issue: the illness гепатоз, is happy often shown at highly productive cows. At the fact of that for the last 10-12 years to Russia is delivered about 1 million highly productive animals, the scale of a problem carries the level of national value. Gepatoza reduce immunity, promotes reduction of consumption of a forage, reduce efficiency level that, eventually, influences economy of production of milk. The author investigated the reasons causing violations of work of a liver, a way of their exception of detention regime, and when developing an illness also ways of treatment of animals that has practical value are offered.
In D. S. Loginova's work a number of new problems is considered. By import of cattle to Russia, especially for the first time years, in many respects weren't considered both organizational issues and adaptation abilities of an organism of animals of golshtino-frizsky breed. There were difficulties of transportation of animals on huge distances, sharp change of climatic conditions, technology of the maintenance of cattle in our country, poor quality of forages, etc. It led to premature leaving from production process more than a third of a livestock of animals. In this regard, studying of adaptation abilities of import animals in actual practice feedings and contents and practically conclusions from results of researches will give essential help to experts in farms of Russia.
Works of students of Sosnovtseva A.V. and Kramareva E.A., devoted to studying to influence of GMO on life expectancy of laboratory animals, were awarded by diplomas of competition.
According to the decision of scientific council of the Competition "Young Scientist of Alltech" among employed from Russia were awarded:
the first place - to Babukhin S.N.-501 groups;
the second place - Kechina O. L.-501 groups;
the third place - Loginova D. S. – 501 groups.

Besides, each of them is awarded by certificates of "Certificate of Achievement in Russia in the Alltech Young Scientist Competition 2014 as Undergraduate Student", the medals "ALLTECH YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD", valuable presents and monetary awards.

Messages from the State of Kentucky, the USA. Фото 1

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