The first meeting of the International club
On the 18th of October, 2017 at the Saratov state agricultural University named after N.I. Vavilov the International club start working. Representatives from our University gathered to discuss possible directions and forms of cooperation and activities. The meeting was also attended by the guys who came to study at the preparatory faculty.
Special attention was paid to Caisheva O. A. (the head of the Department of social work, Sarato state agricultural university N.I.Vavilova), Vorobyova, D. A. (the Deputy Director IMOP), Panfilov A.V. (the head of the Department for work with foreign students), who told us about the passport and visa regime, the rules in the hostel. Senior students – Joakim Kavina (Agronomy Department) and Abdelhadi Saari (Veterinarian Depatment) – shared their experiences of living here with new students arrived in Saratov.
Welcome to our Interfamily! Join us!
The supervisor of the Interclub – Mokienko O. P., the associate Professor of the Department "Foreign languages and culture of speech"

The first meeting of the International club Фото 1

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 1 >

The first meeting of the International club Фото 2

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 2 >

The first meeting of the International club Фото 3

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 3 >

The first meeting of the International club Фото 4

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 4 >

The first meeting of the International club Фото 5

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 5 >

The first meeting of the International club Фото 6

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 6 >

The first meeting of the International club Фото 7

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 7 >

The first meeting of the International club Фото 8

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 8 >

The first meeting of the International club Фото 9

< The first meeting of the International club Фото 9 >