Internship in DENMARK
Students of Agronomy Faculty and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Food and Biotechnology!

You have the opportunity to undertake an agricultural internship in Denmark in the following companies:

- pig farm for 550 sows + fattening of 6500 pigs

Wanted a student (preferably a young man) with the specialty "Veterinary medicine" or "Zootechnics"

- pig-breeding farm for 1200 sows

Wanted a student (preferably a young man) with the specialty "Veterinary medicine" or "Zootechnics"

- production of vegetables on open ground

Wanted a student (preferably a young man) with the specialty "Agronomy".

Internship period is 12 months.

For additional information, please contact the Institute of international educational programs: Campus № 1, off. 384

Tel. 23-73-94

Internship in DENMARK Фото 1

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