Bannikova Anna Vladimirovna's participation in the international AIFST 2015 conference, Melbourne (Australia)
From January 26 to February 7 associate professor Bannikova Anna Vladimirovna took part in the international AIFST 2015 conference as the invited speaker. This conference was devoted to topical issues in the field of food and biotechnologies and took place in Melbourne (Australia). A.V. Bannikova gave lecture in English on subject physical and chemical, biological and molecular properties the globulyarnykh of proteins.
On the end of the A.V conference. Bannikova successfully went training to Food structure and biofunctionality laboratories, School of Applied Sciences, RMIT University where Anna Vladimirovna mastered modern methods of research of raw materials and products, and also examined the organization of laboratory and its document flow. The got international experience will be introduced in work of new research laboratory "Research of Quality and Rheological Properties of Products" subsequently.
In RMIT University A.V. Bannikova also had opportunity to master work on the modern equipment on production of food with the increased period of storage.
Strengthening international cooperation between two universities, prospect of joint scientific researches and an exchange of students, graduate students and teachers became results of training of A.V. Bannikova in RMIT University.

Bannikova Anna Vladimirovna's participation in the international AIFST 2015 conference, Melbourne (Australia) Фото 1

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