All-Russian Field Day  – 2018
From July 5 to July 7, 2018 the All-Russian Field Day– 2018was passed in the Lipetsk region. This large-scale event is held for ensuring effective development of agro-industrial complex, development of new technologies in crop production, rendering the consulting help to agricultural producers at acquisition of agricultural machinery, the equipment, chemical fertilizers and seeds.

Representatives more than 300 companies from 67 regions of Russia took part in it.

From the Saratov GAU the Dr. agricultural sciences, professor, scientific secretary of "Agrarian Science and Education" Association K.E. Denisov took part in it.

The All-Russian Field Day is a platform which gives to employees of agro-industrial complex of an opportunity for acquaintance to advanced technologies and achievements in agriculture. The thematic sections, conferences and round tables devoted to selection and seed farming, food and protection of plants, livestock production, technology of cultivation of cultures, the equipment and devices, questions of the organization and management in agriculture, to scientific research and other subjects are provided in the program of a festival.

For carrying out "The All-Russian Field Day-2018" in the Lipetsk region skilled allotments of various crops for evident demonstration of selection achievements, modern technologies in crop production, meliorative actions were put. Agricultural machinery could be seen in field conditions and when carrying out technological operations (a soil cultivation, crops, care of cultures, harvesting).

The Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev, the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on agrarian questions Vladimir Kashin and the head of administration of the Lipetsk region Oleg Korolev became guests "The All-Russian Field Day-2018"

Official site:

All-Russian Field Day – 2018 Фото 1

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