Social and educational sphere of the higher educational establishment

Social and educational sphere of the higher educational establishment


The University has a multipurpose sports complex with an indoor swimming pool; there are more than 30 different sections in the sports club.

The University has three sports camps, located on the picturesque banks of the Volga, and health centers.

Student club has singing and dance groups,а theater studio,а folk instruments orchestra,а chorus.

University library is one of the largest agricultural libraries in the region. Research library fund comprises more than 1.8 million copies. Scientific literature fund consists of more than 650 thousand copies, including a unique collection of publications.

Since 1995 a search group "Vega" operates at the University: every year students go on expeditions to places of battles of the Great Patriotic War.

Agricultural University is proud of its museums: zoological, anatomopathological, parasitological, biological, and the museum of veterinary sanitary inspection.

The museum of the University history and memorial room of N.I. Vavilov occupy a special place in the cultural and scientific space of the higher educational establishment.