Specialties and areas of training
indexAt the faculty the enrollment of students is done in the areas of training Bachelors, Specialists and Masters of the following specialties: forest management, environmental engineering, fighting with natural and anthropogenic fires, landscape architecture. The staff of the Faculty trains specialists for 5 regional branch ministries and governmental agencies.
Specialties and areas of training: - training area 250100.62 "Forest business" profile "Forestry" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering); - Training area 280100.62 "Environmental Engineering and Water Use" profiles "Land reclamation, restoration and protection of land", "Integrated use and protection of water resources" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering); - Training area 190100.62 "Land transport and technological systems," profile "Machinery and equipment for emergency response, disaster relief and fire fighting" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering). - Training area 250700.62 "Landscape architecture" profile "Landscape gardening and landscape construction" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering); - Specialty 280705.65 "Fire Safety", specialization "Wildfires and their control", "Fire Fighting" (Specialist - 5 years of training, qualification - Specialist); - Training area 280700.62 “ Security of technical sphere" profile "Fire Safety" (Bachelor - 4 years of training, qualification - Bachelor of Engineering).
Also the following Master's Degree programs are being taught: (2 years of training qualification – Specialist- Master): - Areas of training 250100.68 "Forest business", - 280100.68 "Environmental Engineering and Water Use", - 190100.68 "Land transport and technological systems", - 250700.68 “Landscape architecture”. At the departments of the Faculty postgraduate and doctoral training is done on the following specialties (engineering and agricultural sciences): - 06.03.04 – Forestry in agriculture, protective forest plantation and greening of human settlements, forest fires and their control, - 06.01.02 - Land improvement, restoration and protection of land, - 03.00.16 – Ecology, - 21.05.01 - Technology and equipment for logging and forestry.