Historical background

Historical background

Organization of the College was caused by the development of peasant’s farms, state farms and cooperation. Krasnokutsky Agricultural College with two departments: agronomy and mechanization of agriculture was organized at the request of the local regional and Soviet bodies and by the order of Glavprofobr (Chief Department of Professional Training) dated from 2nd of August 1923. The first 25 students were enrolled in October - November 1923. Since 1931 teaching of veterinary disciplines at the livestock department began. On the 25th of September 1932 by order №77 of the Narkompros (People's Commissariat of Education) the College was transformed into Krasnokutsky College of Seed-growing, Dairy Farming, and the one-year higher collective farm school. From the 25th of September 1932 till the17th of August 1934 (order №734 of the Supreme Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR) two independent colleges began to work: Krasnokutsky Field Crop Cultivation College located at the experimental station and Krasnokutsky Zoo-Veterinary College. From the17th of August 1934 till the 22nd of August 1941 (order №370 of the Narkomzem (People’s Commissariate of Farming) it was Krasnokutsky Agricultural College.
From 22.07.1941 till 04.06.1946 (order №26 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR) it became Krasnokutsky VeterinaryCollege.

By the order of the Ministry of Agriculture №1030 from 29.06.1956 it was reorganized into the Federal State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Krasnokutsky Veterinary College."
Since 07.02.2011. (order № 175 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) it became a structural unit of FSBEI HPE "Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University".
From 16.03.2012 (order № 184 of the Ministry of Agriculture) Krasnokutsky Veterinary College is the branch of FSBEI HPE "Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University". Since 1968 a veterinary department was opened. Since 1970 correspondence Animal Husbandry department was opened in the college. Since 1992 training on the specialty "Organization of the peasant (farmer's) economy" began. Then the following specialties were opened: 1995 - "Economics, Accounting (by industry)"; 2003 - "Technology of milk processing and milk products"; 2010 - "Construction and exploitation of buildings and structures".

Procedure of joining to the FSBEI HPE "Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University" began with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 27.12.2010 № 2450-p "On the reorganization FSEI HPE "Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University" and FSEI SPE "Krasnokutsky Veterinary College" in the form of affiliation of the colleges to the university".

By the order № 175 from 07.02.2011 of the Russian Ministry of Education the procedure of joining with the creation of the commission for reorganization of the university and colleges was determined (order № 728-OD from 19.05.2011 FSEI HPE "Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University"). Educational activities of the Krasnokutsky branch is performed according to the license № 0528 from 04.02.2013 of FSBEI HPE "Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University". Currently training at the Krasnokutsky Veterinary College is performed on 4 specialties of full-time tuition:
- 080114 Economics and Accounting (by branch)
- 111 801 Veterinary Medicine
- 260 203 Technology of milk and dairy products
- 270802 Construction and operation of buildings and structures
and 3 specialties of correspondence tuition:
- 080114 Economics and Accounting (by branch)
- 260 203 Technology of milk and dairy products
-111101 Farm Animal Research.
The number of enrolled students is:
Total 485 people, including
full-time tuition - 280, correspondence tuition - 205; on a budgetary basis – 435; with payment of training - 55 people.
The complex Krasnokutsky Zooveterinary College include: training complex for 960 seats (14 classrooms, 20 laboratories); assembly hall for 250 seats;
sports hall - 325 sq. m; stadium;
students’ hostel for 150 people.; dining room; educational farm; veterinary clinic; doctor’s room; educational production farm with an area of 535 hectares, garage with a workshop.
2 computer classes. Total area of teaching and laboratory facilities per one student is 22.6 sq. m, the share of educational equipment for laboratory and practical works not older 10 years is 90%. Total fund of the library is 35,905books, including training, educational, reference literature – 29923 books; literature – 5982 books. The reading room has 42 seats and 2 computers with internet connection, which allows students and teachers to use Internet - resources for study and work.