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Requisites of the University

Requisites of the University

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation  Federal state Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education SARATOV STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY named after N.I. Vavilov (FSBEI HE "Saratov State Agrarian University") Address: Russia, 410012, Saratov, Teatralnaya square,1 Phone: (8452)-233292 Fax: (8452)-234781 E-mail: Campus № 1 Address: Russia, 410012,...



Throughout Russian history the Volga region was one of the largest regions of agricultural production. The geographical location of Saratov, the capital of the Volga agricultural region, already at the beginning of XX century led to its intensive development as a center of agricultural science and education. Higher agricultural courses were opened in Saratov on the 15th of September 1913. The aim...

Spheres of training in SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov

Spheres of training in SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov

University graduates receive a broad education. They possess the necessary level of theoretical and practical knowledge to work successfully in the agro-industrial enterprises in such areas as: - agroecology and agroengineering; -animal husbandry, fish farming , poultry farming; -viticulture and bee-keeping; - forestry, gardening and landscape construction; - entrepreneurship, banking and agribusiness; -...

Social and educational sphere of the higher educational establishment

Social and educational sphere of the higher educational establishment

The University has a multipurpose sports complex with an indoor swimming pool; there are more than 30 different sections in the sports club. The University has three sports camps, located on the picturesque banks of the Volga, and health centers. Student club has singing and dance groups,а theater studio,а folk instruments orchestra,а chorus. University library is one of the largest agricultural...

General information

General information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I .Vavilov, is one of the largest leading educational institutions training specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the Saratov region, the Volga region and other regions of the Russian Federation. University is rated in the top 100 universities in Russia and occupies the second...

The History of the Faculty

The History of the Faculty

In July 1, 2013 there was reorganization (merger) of the two oldest faculties - "Agricultural Engineering and Technical Services" and "Electrification and energy supply" The History of the "Mechanization of agriculture and technical services" Faculty is closely connected with the history of Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization named after Kalinin N.I. In December 1, 1932 Council of People's...

Areas of training

Areas of training

Area "Agroengineering" Baccalaureate 35.03.06 - Technical service of machines and equipment; - Innovative agricultural machinery; - Electrical equipment and electrical technologies. - Technical support in agricultural sector; - Technical systems in agribusiness; - Exploitation of transport and technological machines and systems; - Technological equipment for storage and processing of agricultural...

Areas of training

Areas of training

Area "Management" Baccalaureate 38.03.02 - Management. Magistracy 38.04.02 - Management. Area "Economics" Baccalaureate 38.03.01 - Accounting, analysis and audit; - Finance and Credit; - Economy of enterprises and entities. Magistracy 38.04.01 - Economy of enterprises; - Accounting, analysis and audit. Area "Finance and Credit" Magistracy 38.04.08 - Finance and Credit.

Areas of training

Areas of training

Area "Biotechnology" Baccalaureate 19.03.01 - Food biotechnology. Magistracy 19.04.01 - Food biotechnology. Area "Food products of vegetable raw materials" Baccalaureate 19.03.02 - Technology of bread, pastry and pasta. Magistracy 19.04.02 - Technology of bakery and pastry products for special kinds of food. Area "Food products of animal raw materials" Baccalaureate 19.03.03 -...

Research work

Research work

Science is a basic element that combines the thoughts of people scattered across the globe, and it is one of its greatest destinations. In my opinion, there is no human activity, where the agreement between people would be so obvious. Frederic Joliot-Curie Vice-chancellor responsible for Research and Innovation and International Relations, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.N. Salihov Scientific achievements...

Contact Information

Contact Information

Address: 410056, Saratov, Sovetskaya Street, 60 Contact telephone of the dean office: (8452)-74-96-57 e-mail:     Position Surname, name, patronymic Office Phone number The Dean Trushkin Vladimir Alexandrovich 318 (8452)-26-37-66 fax Vice-chancellor responsible for teaching students Levin Michael Alexandrovich 318 (8452)-74-96-57 Vice-chancellor...

Документы и обсуждение (Родионова Ирина Анатольевна)

Документы и обсуждение (Родионова Ирина Анатольевна)

Защита докторской диссертации 10 октября 2014 г. в 12.00 Родионова Ирина Анатольевна Тема диссертации: "СИСТЕМНАЯ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ СЕЛЬСКОГО ХОЗЯЙСТВА В УСЛОВИЯХ ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛИЗАЦИИ РЫНОЧНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ" Специальность –...

Саратовский цирк им. братьев Никитиных

Саратовский цирк им. братьев Никитиных

Саратовский цирк им. братьев Никитиных

Цирки мира

Цирки мира

Снежное шоу Славы Полунина - смешное и фантастичное, увлекающее, трогательное и само собой незабываемое путешествие в мир тайн, в мир праздника, в мир снов и детства. Действо состоит из ряда миниатюр, которые знает и любит...

Цирковые династии

Цирковые династии

Дуровы - династия клоунов-дрессировщиков. Династия Запашных – династия укротителей, вольтижеров, акробатов, гимнастов.   Кио – династия иллюзионистов Династия Филатовых ведет свой отсчет с 1836 года. Кантемировы...

Леонид Енгибаров

Леонид Енгибаров

"Я подарю тебе звездный дождь. В жизни каждого человека бывают звездные дожди, чистые и удивительные: если не дни, то хоть редкие часы, полные звездного света, или хотя бы минуты, пусть даже мгновения, бывают, обязательно...