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The meeting of Governor V. V. Radaev with the representatives of agrarian science and the heads of agricultural enterprises on development of agricultural sector.

The meeting of Governor V. V. Radaev with the representatives of agrarian science and the heads of agricultural enterprises on development of agricultural sector.

13.12.2016 08:56:04

On the 9th of December 2016, a meeting of Governor V. V. Radaev with representatives of the agricultural science and agricultural producers of the Saratov region was held in Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov. The topic of discussion was the problems existing in the agriculture of the region and finding their solutions. According to the Governor, there are objective problems...

"Vavilov Commission" wounds: results of the semicentennial activities

"Vavilov Commission" wounds: results of the semicentennial activities

12.12.2016 08:53:01

On the 9th of December a ceremonial meeting of the Commission for preservation and development of scientific heritage of academician Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov at the Vavilov Institute of General genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. The meeting was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creation of "Vavilov Commission." Among the permanent members of the Commission are N. I. Kuznetsov,...

Long-term forecasting and monitoring of scientific and technological development of agribusiness

Long-term forecasting and monitoring of scientific and technological development of agribusiness

10.12.2016 08:51:14

On the 8-9th of December 2016 training for representatives of higher education organizations in the agricultural sector on the long-term forecasting, monitoring of scientific and technological development was held in the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The list of the relevant organizations...

Saratov media forum took place in Saratov State Agrarian University

Saratov media forum took place in Saratov State Agrarian University

08.12.2016 08:50:11

On the 6-7th of December the University hosted a forum of regional media, which was attended by representatives of the city, regional and district newspapers, news agencies and TV channels. Discussion platforms, round tables, trainings and seminars "Unique format of the local editorial boards”, “Media for a youth audience in Russia: development trends", "Visualization or illustration?", "Game format...

Vavilov patriots

Vavilov patriots

24.10.2016 11:47:17

Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov. Just imagine how beautiful and at the same time stately it sounds! Have you ever wondered in what harmony all the students of our University are staying? Sure we are all so different. We were born in different parts of the world, study at different campuses, are involved in different, sometimes completely incompatible things, try to know...

Saratov State Agrarian University is one of three leaders of agrarian education of Russia!

Saratov State Agrarian University is one of three leaders of agrarian education of Russia!

14.10.2016 11:33:14

В соответствии с поручением Правительства Российской Федерации и утверждением программы развития лидирующих аграрных вузов страны разработаны критерии оценки деятельности. Целевые индикаторы были определены с учетом...

Galina Zolina visited Saratov Agrarian University

Galina Zolina visited Saratov Agrarian University

13.10.2016 11:39:38

The Director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Galina Zolina had a working visit to the Saratov Region. In the framework of the working visit Galina Zolina met with the Rector of Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University Nikolai Kuznetsov. In the course of the visit the Director of the relevant department got acquainted with...

The “Technologist Day – 2016”

The “Technologist Day – 2016”

13.10.2016 11:37:06

A student forum “Technologist Day – 2016” was held at the faculty of veterinary medicine, food and biotechnologies of Saratov State Agrarian University. This year the program of the event comprised the practical conference, the competition-exhibition of student works, the master class of the “KARE café” chef and a concert. The Rector of Saratov State Agrarian University professor Nikolai...

A Great University "Patrol"

A Great University "Patrol"

13.10.2016 11:34:34

Dear freshmen! United Student Council together with the Chairpersons of the Faculty Student Councils of Saratov State Agrarian University will organize a new contest "Patrol" for You! "Patrol" is a quest which will be held at all three campuses helping the freshmen to adapt to the University. Each faculty will have to put out to the contest at least 4 teams consisting of 6 people. Participants...

Contest "The First among the Firsts"

Contest "The First among the Firsts"

12.10.2016 11:42:22

The 1st place in the faculty contest "The First among the Firsts": team "Oscar" of the group BAI-105 (curator Ryzhova E. V.) participated in the faculty contest "The First among the Firsts" and manifested itself in intellectual, sport and creative competitions. The viewers remembered the stirring dance scene in "Office romance during the week on duty". They took the first place having approved the...

The winner of the "BYSTUDY-2016"

The winner of the "BYSTUDY-2016"

11.10.2016 11:43:58

In 2016 the representatives of 30 leading agrarian universities of the country participated in the competition of students’ works "BYSTUDY-2016": FSBEI HE "Altai State Agrarian University"; FSBEI HE "Bashkir State Agrarian University"; FSBEI HE "Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V. Gorin"; FSBEI HE "Bryansk State Agrarian University"; FSBEI HE "Volgograd State Agrarian...

Hello, we are looking for talents!

Hello, we are looking for talents!

29.09.2016 16:21:47

On the 20th of September the talent show-contest "Hello, we are looking for talents!" was held at the Agronomy faculty. The 1st and 2nd year students demonstrated their abilities in music, dance, original genre and others. The winners are: Music - Mukhortova Irina Theatre - Iovleva Alexandra Dance - "AF DANCE" team Original genre - KVN team "Vegetables named after N. I. Vavilov" Grand...

The working man is always visible!

The working man is always visible!

28.09.2016 16:20:43

The results of work undertaken by the specialized Student Construction Brigades during the 2015-2016 academic year were summarized, and according to the tradition, the best students were awarded a trip to Adler. And today on the 28th of September 30 students, who have distinguished themselves for their responsibility and good work, went to rest to the Black sea coast. Among them, the students from...

Rector’s meeting with the freshmen

Rector’s meeting with the freshmen

27.09.2016 16:17:18

Last week Rector of Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov met with the first-year students of three educational campuses. In his welcoming speech the Rector acquainted the students with the structure and the internal arrangement of the University, told about the possibilities and prospects of students’ self-realization, urged to be active. The Chairman of the Trade...

Admission to the Students’ Trade Union Organization

Admission to the Students’ Trade Union Organization

21.09.2016 16:15:43

Admission of students to the Students’ Trade Union organization began. Already some part of first-year students joined the Primary Students’ Trade Union organization. Trade Union organization is an independent public association of students established for representation and protection of social and other interests of students. We have almost 100% of the students in the Trade Union organization....

Participation in All-Russian Week of University Science

Participation in All-Russian Week of University Science

21.09.2016 16:13:08

From 12th till 16th of September 2016 the Scientific Forum "Russian Week of University Science" was held on the basis of the International Innovative University in Sochi, and, as a part of it, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and laureates of All-Russian competition for the best scientific book of 2015took place. The competition is held among the HEI teachers and research scholars of Russian...

Access to foreign database Web of Science

Access to foreign database Web of Science

21.09.2016 16:11:41

Free access to the database Web of Science is given according to the results of the contest of Russian Ministry of education to the University. Polythematic abstract-bibliographic and scientometric (bibliometric) databases Web of Science of Thomson Reuters (Scientific) LLC (Web of Science database) includes: • citation indexes for scientific journals; • Science Citation Index Expanded...

The results of the 4th All-Russian Student Olympiad in the field of Landscape Architecture

The results of the 4th All-Russian Student Olympiad in the field of Landscape Architecture

17.09.2016 16:03:36

The results of the 4th All-Russian Student Olympiad in the field of Landscape Architecture were summarized. During three days nine teams from eight cities of Russia competed in the development of the project of landscaping the city Gorky Park, in answering the challenging tests of the sponsors (Affiliate of the Center for Forest Protection of the Saratov region and the STIHL company). On the...

Come on, SSAU! Go for new victories!

Come on, SSAU! Go for new victories!

16.09.2016 16:08:17

SSAU students became the winners in the GTO race "The Way of the Firsts". Today the students of Saratov State Agrarian University took part in sport-patriotic GTO race "The Way of the Firsts", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight, on the territory of the Children’s Recreation’s Camp "Molodezhny". Almost all major Saratov Universities: Saratov State Gagarin Technical...

Meeting of public men in Saratov Agrarian University

Meeting of public men in Saratov Agrarian University

16.09.2016 16:01:46

On the 15th of September 2016 in Saratov Agrarian University a meeting of Vice-rector for educational and social work Popova O. M. with community organizations that interact with the administration of the Frunze district of Saratov was held. Many topical issues were discussed at the meeting. Social, educational, housing problems of the district, the things which it would be desirable to correct...

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