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Цирк – это детское и взрослое счастье, а люди должны отдать должное искусству и мастерству. Цирк – это взаимная любовь. Цирковые специальности возникли с древнейших времен, тогда цирки были только бродячими – они...

Край родной

Край родной

Все то, что было в бездне дней, Не меркнет в памяти моей. И нет желанней ничего, Чем образ края моего. Константин Бальмонт   Саратовская область — субъект Российской Федерации, входит в состав Приволжского федерального...



  Музыка (греч. μουσική, прилагательное от греч. μούσα — муза) — искусство, средством воплощения художественных образов для которого являются звук и тишина,...

Документы и обсуждение

Документы и обсуждение

 Документы и обсуждение Адрес объявления на сайте ВАК Информация о соискателе Тип диссертации Докторская Фамилия, имя, отчество соискателя Ульянова Онега Владимировна Название...

Высшее профессиональное образование

Высшее профессиональное образование

Центральная приемная комиссия: Адрес: г. Саратов, Театральная пл., 1 Тел.: 8 (8452) 26-50-78 e-mail: Ответственный секретарь: Вертикова Елена Александровна Заместители ответственного секретаря: Кузнецова Анастасия...

Среднее профессиональное образование

Среднее профессиональное образование

Структурное подразделение Адрес Телефон e - mail Краснокутский филиал 413234, Саратовская область, г. Красный Кут,  пос. Зооветтехникум (8-4560) 3-27-21, 3-27-10 Марковский филиал 413090, Саратовская...

Specialties and areas of training

Specialties and areas of training

 At the faculty the enrollment of students is done in the areas of training Bachelors, Specialists and Masters of the following specialties: forest management, environmental engineering, fighting with natural and anthropogenic fires, landscape architecture. The staff of the Faculty trains specialists for 5 regional branch ministries and governmental agencies. Specialties and areas of training:...

Training, research and production base

Training, research and production base

At the faculty a unique training, research and production base has been created and is actively used. It includes 8 research laboratories and centers, ESPC "Agrocenter" international center "Hydroinformatics". Agrarian University jointly with Ministry of Forestry of Saratov region and Head Office of Emergency of Russia in Saratov region on the basis of the OSU "Viazovsky training and experimental...

The History of the Faculty

The History of the Faculty

In September 1913 higher agricultural courses were organized in Saratov. The employees of SSU became the first Professors: Zelenskiy V.R., Kuraev N.N., Poletaev V.N., Slavachevsky K.L., Bagaevsky G.V. In 1918, courses were reorganized into Agricultural Institute and then into the Faculty of Agronomy of Classical University. Professor Medvedev B.H. was elected the first dean. In the spring of 1922,...

Areas of training

Areas of training

Area "Agronomy" Baccalaureate 35.03.04 - Agribusiness; - Plant protection and pest control; - Gardening and landscaping. Magistracy 35.04.04 - Innovative crop management; - Organic farming; - Integrated plant protection; - Bionanotechnology in genetics and breeding; - Intensive vegetable growing of protected ground. Area "Land management and cadastre" Baccalaureate 21.03.02 - Cadastre...

Scientific - research work

Scientific - research work

Science is everlasting, every day more and more tasks appear in it, and university education should endeavor to excite a desire to make contribution to the treasury of science. Mendeleev D.I. Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and International Relations, Ph.D., Associate Professor Kurasova Ludmila Gennadievna Agronomy Faculty has great potential and vast opportunities in increasing the volume...

The Academic Council

The Academic Council

General administration of the University is performed by an elected representative body, the University Academic Council headed by the Rector. The Academic Council is elected for the term of 5 years. The quantitative composition of the academic Council is determined by the conference. The meetings of the Academic Council are held at least 6 times a year in accordance with the plan. • considers the...

The History of the Faculty

The History of the Faculty

In 1922/23 academic year in the Saratov Agricultural Institute Reclamation faculty was opened, which included departments of forest melioration and agricultural melioration. In 1924 it was reorganized into Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering faculty. In connection with the revision of the network of agricultural universities in 1930 Reclamation department was allocated in Saratov Institute of Water...