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Visit of delegation from the Republic of South Africa

Visit of delegation from the Republic of South Africa

13.10.2018 19:54:32

The delegation from the university of the Republic of South Africa as a part of the Minister of Health of the province Mpumalanga of MS SasekaniManzini, the head of department of health care of MS SaveraMohangi, the senior manager of department of health care of MrBhekiMagagula, the director of the department of agriculture and a surrounding medium of the province Mpumalanga of MS MasekeMabelane, the...

Excursion to the museum "Russia-my history"

Excursion to the museum "Russia-my history"

09.10.2018 16:51:00

On October 5 the listeners of summer courses of Russian from the Republic of South Africa visited historical park "Russia is my history". An excursion in the museum "Russia is my History". It is a large-scale multimedia complex in which all history of Russia since the most ancient times is presented. This unique multimedia platform allowed our foreign guests to touch the amazing and unique world...

Visit of a representative from Zimbabwe to SSAU

Visit of a representative from Zimbabwe to SSAU

24.09.2018 14:18:18

September 21, 2018, Mutemeri Farai Tawanda, a representative of the organization «RACUS» in Zimbabwe visited our university. The purpose of the visit of the representative from Zimbabwe is to conduct negotiations on the training of students from Zimbabwe at the Agrarian University as well as acquaintance with the conditions of training of foreign students at SSAU. During the visit the representative...

Foreigners at the celebration  of  the  105th anniversary of the Saratov State Agrarian University.

Foreigners at the celebration of the 105th anniversary of the Saratov State Agrarian University.

18.09.2018 14:16:56

September 15, Saratov State Agrarian University celebrated its 105th anniversary. The anniversary of the University coincided with the celebration of the city’s day. For this reason the Agrocenter - Korolkov Garden of Saratov SAU opened its hospitable doors. The staff and students of the summer school of the Institute of International Educational Programs attended the event. On this warm Saturday...

Foreign students at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Food and Biotechnology.

Foreign students at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Food and Biotechnology.

18.09.2018 14:14:41

September 13, 2018, the faculty of veterinary medicine, food and biotechnology celebrated its 100th anniversary. The students of the summer school from South Africa and foreign students actively participated in the festive events, which were held on the basis of the educational complex number 3 of the Saratov State Agrarian University. The staff of the Institute of International Educational...

Students from South Africa at the Festival of Historical Reconstruction «Ukek One day from the life of a medieval city»

Students from South Africa at the Festival of Historical Reconstruction «Ukek One day from the life of a medieval city»

10.09.2018 14:12:29

Last Saturday the summer school students from South Africa together with the staff of the Institute of International Educational Programs Simanina Y.B. and Loschinin S.O. visited the festival of historical reconstruction. «Ukek. One day in the life of a medieval city». This event is aimed at reconstructing the medieval Golden Horde city Ukek located in the 13th-14th century near Saratov. The...

Interview with the students of VMFBT faculty  about  international internships

Interview with the students of VMFBT faculty about international internships

08.09.2018 14:10:11

A meeting of representatives of the Institute of International Educational Programs Korotkova Y.G. and Loschinin S.O. with students of the 2nd and 3rd courses of VMFBT faculty was held. During the meeting the university staff informed the students about opportunity to participate in international agricultural internships . University students can be trained at the enterprises of Germany, the...

International school of young scientists "Scientific wave of 2018"

International school of young scientists "Scientific wave of 2018"

31.08.2018 09:08:54

From July 10 to August 30, 2018 on the basis of the sports Chardym camp of the Saratov GAU works the International school of young scientists "A scientific wave - 2018". Foreign students took an active part in it: Unkpaten Emerik Ksavye (Benin), Niangmamadulamin (Senegal), Maniyeson Victor Emmanuel of Niiodot (Ghana) and Selmanivalid (Morocco) and representatives from 16 agrarian higher education institutions...

Excursion on UK No. 3

Excursion on UK No. 3

28.08.2018 09:07:14

Students of summer school from the Republic of South Africa for the purpose of acquaintance visited educational complex No. 3 of the Saratov GAU of N.N. Vavilov. The tour on a complex was conducted: director of institute of the international educational programs Bannikova Anna Vladimirovna and head of department of pre-university training of foreign citizens Loshchinin Sergey Olegovich. Acquaintance...

Holiday of first-year students "Lets go-2018"

Holiday of first-year students "Lets go-2018"

24.08.2018 09:10:52

On September 1, 2018 in Saratov the regional holiday for first-year students "Lets go!" will take place. The festival of first-year students is organized at the initiative of the speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. From 17:30 till 18:30 in the Saratov Theatre for Young Audience of Yu.P. Kiselyov the Height award for scientific and pedagogical employees of the educational organizations...

Children from the Republic of South Africa at the Field Day

Children from the Republic of South Africa at the Field Day

09.08.2018 09:05:46

Today, opening of the 9th agricultural forum "Saratov-agro . Field Day” took place on August 9, 2018. Day of the field" which passed on fields of Scientific Research Institute Yugo-Vostok. Teachers of the Saratov GAU participated in this Field Day: deans of faculties and heads of structural divisions headed by the rector N.I. Kuznetsov. Students of Institute of the international educational programs...

Listeners from the Republic of South Africa to Victory Park

Listeners from the Republic of South Africa to Victory Park

03.08.2018 09:04:16

On July 31 listeners of summer courses of Russian from the Republic of South Africa visited Victory Park - the memorial complex located on Sokolovy mountain. The museum under the open sky, a panoramic view of the city and of Volga, the well-known monument "Cranes" for certain will leave unforgettable impressions at our guests. With genuine interest and passion they considered the Soviet and Russian...

To the Saratov GAU there arrived the group of foreign listeners from the Republic of South Africa

To the Saratov GAU there arrived the group of foreign listeners from the Republic of South Africa

24.07.2018 09:01:11

On July 24, 2018 the group of foreign listeners from the Republic of South Africa arrived to the Saratov GAU as a part of 11 people for passing of courses of Russian. The hospitable meeting of foreigners on the Saratov earth was organized by representatives of Institute international educational programs of the Saratov GAU: director of IMOP Bannikova A.V., head of department organizational work...

All-Russian Field Day  – 2018

All-Russian Field Day – 2018

09.07.2018 09:02:24

From July 5 to July 7, 2018 the All-Russian Field Day– 2018was passed in the Lipetsk region. This large-scale event is held for ensuring effective development of agro-industrial complex, development of new technologies in crop production, rendering the consulting help to agricultural producers at acquisition of agricultural machinery, the equipment, chemical fertilizers and seeds. Representatives...

Final 2017-2018 preparatory department of Institute international educational programs

Final 2017-2018 preparatory department of Institute international educational programs

06.07.2018 08:59:11

On July 5, 2018 at Institute international educational programs of the Saratov GAU the release of students preparatory department took place. The rector of the university Nikolay Ivanovich Kuznetsov, the vice rector for study Sergey Vasilyevich Larionov and the vice rector for scientific and innovative work Igor Leonidovich Vorotnikov performed with the words of congratulations. The management of...

Working visit of delegation of the Saratov GAU to Portugal

Working visit of delegation of the Saratov GAU to Portugal

04.07.2018 08:57:14

Last week the official visit of delegation of the Saratov GAU with the rector N.I. Kuznetsov, the dean of faculty of veterinary medicine, food and biotechnologies of A.V. Molchanov, the dean agronomy faculty of N.A. Shyyurova and the department chair of mathematics and mathematical modeling G.N. Kamyshova in Polytechnical institute of Coimbra (Portugal) took place. During the visit the delegation visited...

On June 22, 2018 residents of Saratov laid flowers at "Soldier liberator"

On June 22, 2018 residents of Saratov laid flowers at "Soldier liberator"

02.07.2018 08:55:27

On June 22 — day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In Russia also people celebrate Day of remembrance. In the morning flower-laying ceremony took place to a monument "Soldier liberator". Top officials, then, public representatives, veterans, residents are at the head of a column. Students of agricultural university from the CIS countries participated in a patriotic holiday. The...

All on Soccer!

All on Soccer!

27.06.2018 08:44:10

Soccer is the most widespread and mass team sport in the world. For all month, on the basis of educational complex No. 3 of the Saratov GAU of N.I. Vavilov, competitions among students of preparatory department in mini soccer take place. Students with pleasure play on specially equipped field, in free time. A game allows to hold cheerful, hazardous, dynamic command competitions which quickly and effectively...

Participation of teachers in Erasmus seminar in the University of applied sciences Vayenshtefan-Trizdorf (Germany)

Participation of teachers in Erasmus seminar in the University of applied sciences Vayenshtefan-Trizdorf (Germany)

21.06.2018 08:52:12

From June 10 to June 17, 2018 the associate professor "The organization of production and business management in agrarian and industrial complex", Candidate of Economic Sciences Nayanov Alexander Vyacheslavovich and the associate professor "Economy of agro-industrial complex", Candidate of Economic Sciences Shikhanova Yulia Anatolyevna took part in the program of a seminar Erasmus at the University...

June 12 – Independence Day of Russia

June 12 – Independence Day of Russia

13.06.2018 08:49:40

On June 12, in Saratov the meeting devoted to the Russia Day took place on the square at the Saratov state agricultural university of N.I. Vavilov in which teachers and students of the Saratov GAU took part. After the festive meeting devoted to the Russia Day the festive procession "A parade of nationalities" took place. About one thousand participants among whom there were residents, students, school...

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