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Opening of the sports contest Health

Opening of the sports contest Health

31.01.2019 10:25:24

In the assembly hall of the Bryansk state agricultural university the ceremony of opening of the All-Russian sports contest "Health" was held on January 29, 2019. representatives of 22 agrarian HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the country from Belgorod, Voronezh, Vologda, Izhevsk, Kursk, Smolensk, Michurinsk, Ryazan, Saratov, Samara of Ulyanovsk and other cities arrived. About 400 peoplearrivedto...

Students of preparatory office got acquainted with history of a family of A.S. Pushkin

Students of preparatory office got acquainted with history of a family of A.S. Pushkin

25.01.2019 10:29:21

At the end of January, 1837 Russia lost the great poet. Many in the world are familiar with his creative heritage. And on preparatory office annually take place the actions devoted to Alexander Pushkin. On January 22, 2019 the students from Turkmenistan studying at preparatory office visited Regional library of A.S. Pushkin. The manager of the Pushkin sector of library Anna Morkovina spent literary...

The ball burst

The ball burst

21.01.2019 10:46:57

The VI rectorial ball of the Saratov SAU was held today, on January 25, at Opera and ballet theater. This annual festive action for students and teachers of the university. It is very symbolical that in a year of theater the rectorial ball took place in Opera and ballet theater. Annually the best of the best students of the Saratov SAU who achieved good results in study, sport, creativity and science...

Participation of foreign students of SSAU in the Epiphany

Participation of foreign students of SSAU in the Epiphany

21.01.2019 10:36:37

There is Epiphany holiday, bathing in an ice-hole on January 19 in the Russian Federation. The Epiphany takes place time in a year. Foreign students and listeners actively accepted the Saratov AU in participation in a holiday. Panfilov A.V. instructed with foreign citizens: at the beginning before bathing warm-up; it is necessary to approach an ice-hole in comfortable footwear; it is impossible to...

Foreign students of SSAU watched the movie "White Masa"

Foreign students of SSAU watched the movie "White Masa"

16.01.2019 10:31:47

On the eve of New Year's vacation students of preparatory office and students of SSAU participated in a society meeting "Globe". This day showed to foreigners the movie "White Masa" by the director Germina Huntgeburt. The film "White Masa" was shot according to the eponymous book by Corinna Hoffmann in which the author told story to the life. The picture narrates about love of Swiss Carola and the...

Intercontinental Christmas Tree

Intercontinental Christmas Tree

26.12.2018 16:41:22

On December 26, a festive event "Intercontinental Christmas Tree" of the Preparatory Department, Institute of International Educational Programs, was held at the assembly hall of the educational complex No. 1 of the Saratov State Agrarian University. The event was attended by students of the preparatory department from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Iraq, Egypt, Ghana and Swaziland. The following...

Results of year of SSAU: for the benefit of science and education

Results of year of SSAU: for the benefit of science and education

20.12.2018 12:15:51

Life of the university is inseparably linked with region life. Today nobody doubts that in achievements of agro-industrial complex of area there is a significant contribution of scientific SSAU. According to the governor of the Saratov region Valery Radayev, the big contribution to achievement of good results of development of agro-industrial complex of area in 2018 belongs to scientists of agricultural...

Excursion of Preparatory office is  in EK No. 3  of the Saratov SAU of N.I. Vavilov

Excursion of Preparatory office is in EK No. 3 of the Saratov SAU of N.I. Vavilov

18.12.2018 09:58:07

On Friday December 14, 2018 students of preparatory office of Institute of the international educational programs visited educational complex No. 3 of the Saratov State agricultural university of N.I. Vavilov. Students got acquainted with the territory of the educational platform, visited educational audiences and the museums of the University. Students of preparatory office from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,...

Students of preparatory office are at a festival of Friendship of the people

Students of preparatory office are at a festival of Friendship of the people

11.12.2018 11:55:44

On December 10 in the main building of SSAU the first day of a festival of Friendship of the people took place. Students from Turkmenistan together with teachers attended an action where before the audience national dishes of such countries as Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Republic of South Africa, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Senegal, Ukraine and also traditional Russian dishes and dishes of the...

Rodina Adelija Viktorovna is the vice-chairman of the International union is in SSAU

Rodina Adelija Viktorovna is the vice-chairman of the International union is in SSAU

07.12.2018 11:52:16

On December 5, 2018 in the reading room of educational complex No. 1 of the university the action "Patriotic education of youth" with participation of public organization "Russian Union of the Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascist Concentration Camps" took place. On an action students from the different countries, teachers, students agronomical faculties and economy and management participated. Rodina...

The championship of Russia on pass to soccer of 2018

The championship of Russia on pass to soccer of 2018

04.12.2018 11:49:53

For the first time in the history of the Saratov State AU of N.I. Vavilov the national team of students from Turkmenistan participated in a five-a-side tournament among citizens of Turkmenistan of students in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Competitions are organized with assistance of Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation. The head of department of Institute...

Scientific-practical conference  «INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF FOOD PRODUCTS»

Scientific-practical conference «INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF FOOD PRODUCTS»

30.11.2018 11:14:25

On November 29, the scientific and practical conference «INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF FOOD PRODUCTS» , dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Department, was held at the Department of food technology. The conference was attended by students and College students. The event was attended by: -"Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University - Financial and technological College; -"Saratov regional chemical...

Adaptation and socialization of the young specialist in the foreign state

Adaptation and socialization of the young specialist in the foreign state

26.11.2018 10:46:25

The regular meeting of Interсlub took place on November 22, 2018. In a discussion on a subject: "Adaptation and socialization of the young specialist in the foreign state" took part the students from Uzbekistan, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan and other countries. For all participants the tea drinking was organized. In a warm friendly situation students discussed features of adaptation...

We prepare for the international training according  to the APOLLO program

We prepare for the international training according to the APOLLO program

19.11.2018 16:44:43

The meeting of the students who passed an agricultural training in Germany according to the Apollo program with applicants for passing of agricultural practice abroad in 2019 took place. The curator of the Apollo program L.M. Ivanova in detail told about the training purposes, informed on selection criteria, requirements to candidates and expenses on a training. Voronina Ekaterina (the 4th course...

Foreign listeners are at the theater of Opera and ballet

Foreign listeners are at the theater of Opera and ballet

19.11.2018 11:42:49

Listeners of 1 group of preparatory office with the curator N.V. Shindina visited the Saratov academic opera and ballet theater. Students looked at the ballet according to the play by W. Shakespeare "Midsummer Night's Dream". For many it was the first acquaintance to the theater. The amazing world of the ballet, classical statement and improbable music of F. Mendelssohn performed by living orchestra...

The National Unity Day

The National Unity Day

09.11.2018 10:04:19

National Unity Day was founded in memory of events of 1612 when the national militia under Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky's leadership exempted Moscow from the Polish interventionists. Historically this holiday is connected with the termination of the Time of Troubles in Russia in the 17th century. For the purpose of social adaptation students of preparatory office, together with the head of department...

On November 4 is National Unity Day

On November 4 is National Unity Day

07.11.2018 11:40:17

On November 4 Russia celebrate National Unity Day. Foreign students of the Saratov state agricultural university of N.I. Vavilov participated in the celebrations devoted to a public holiday. This holiday is established in honor of an important event in the history of Russia, the liberation of Moscow from the Polish interventionists in 1612 and dated for Day of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. Students...

Listeners of training courses in Regional library of A.S. Pushkin

Listeners of training courses in Regional library of A.S. Pushkin

29.10.2018 16:02:46

The name of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is known far outside Russia therefore students of preparatory office at the very beginning of training are acquainted with the biography of the great poet and Regional library for children and young people to which his name is appropriated and which next year will celebrate the 100 anniversary. Pushkin's language in Turkmenistan is learned at school therefore...

Release of students of summer school

Release of students of summer school

22.10.2018 18:40:18

Today the staff of Institute of the international educational programs of the Saratov State AU of N.I. Vavilov in a festive atmosphere handed certificates on the successful termination of courses of summer school for listeners from the Republic of South Africa. Students showed knowledge of Russian, telling dialogues, and read poems by the famous Russian poets. The IMOP group wished to students of...

Osama of the attache's El Serui on the culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Russia visited SGAU of N.I. Vavilov

Osama of the attache's El Serui on the culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Russia visited SGAU of N.I. Vavilov

15.10.2018 16:56:56

The attache on the culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt visited the Saratov State AU of N.I. Vavilov on October 12. The famous sculptor and the artist from Kair ausam of el Serui met the vice rector for educational and social work Popova O. M., the head of department of institute of the international educational programs Panfilov A.V. and students from Egypt of students at our university. Children...

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