The Scientific Council Discussed the Issue of Project Work of Students

The Scientific Council Discussed the Issue of Project Work of Students

29.06.2017 13:56:10
The Scientific Council Discussed the Issue of Project Work of StudentsJune, 28 th the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Saratov state agricultural university took place. According to the agenda, Council members heard the report of the Vice-rector for educational and social work O. M. Popova, "Creation and implementation of student projects in extracurricular activities of the University". Another report was made by the scientific Secretary A. P. Muravleva on the theme "Election for the posts of heads of departments and submission of applications for award of academic titles". There was a ceremony of handing the certificate of the Professor to head of the Department "Feeding, zoohygiene and aquaculture" Vasiliev Aleksey Alekseevich.

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