General information

General information


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I .Vavilov, is one of the largest leading educational institutions training specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the Saratov region, the Volga region and other regions of the Russian Federation.

University is rated in the top 100 universities in Russia and occupies the second place among agricultural universities.

Agrarian University is a teaching and research facility, a cultural and social center of the developing modern infrastructure.

The University comprises 12 faculties (3 of them are extramural), 2 branches (in Balashov, Saratov region and in Astrakhan), boarding school of natural sciences, postgraduate and doctoral studies, three libraries, and publishing house.

The university includes the institute of additional professional education of agroindustrial complex personnel, educational, scientific and production complex "Agrocenter", training and production division "Agroexspocenter", technical park "Volgoagrotehnika",  veterinary hospital, information and advisory service "SEARCH".

"Agrarian Education and Science" association, comprising the leading scientific, educational organizations and enterprises of the agricultural profile is established at the university.

19 basic advanced farms are the testing ground for scientific experiments and they provide training of the basics of agricultural practices for students.

Currently, educational process and scientific work is conducted by 1317 highly qualified teachers (and part-time teachers), including 227 doctors, professors and over 765 associate professors.

Training at the University are getting more than 22 000 students on full-time and correspondence courses.

Training is being done according to 43 specialties with qualification of "graduate", 14 areas of training with qualification of "bachelor" and 6 areas of training with qualification of "master".

During the period of training, each students can learn some additional professions.

Progressive module-rating technology of training with funded system of assessing students is used in the educational process.

People, successfully graduated from the   university and shown a tendency to research work can be recommended for further study in post-graduate school.

Training of highly qualified personnel is conducted through graduate school (in 36 specialties) and doctoral studies.

There are 6 specialized dissertation councils for defending theses for the candidate and doctoral degrees.