Program TEMPUS

Program TEMPUS

The Tempus program is one of several European Communities programs, intended for assistance to process social and economic conversion and/or development in the partner countries. In the center of Tempus program attention the improvement of higher education system settles down through interaction with establishments from the countries - members of the European Community. Realization is the cornerstone of the program that higher educational institutions play especially important role in process social and economic transition, and also cultural development; that they are also a reserve of specialized knowledge and human resources.

SSAU named after N. I. Vavilova from 2001 till 2007 took part in implementation two projects supported by the Tempus program: "Preparation of the educational programs for land and water resources protection with information use and communication technologies" (TEMPUS-TASIS (CD_JEP-21051-2000 (SWARP-ICT)) and "Distribution of system of a warranty qualities of training at the Russian universities" (TEMPUS CM SCM – T031B05 – 2005 DISRUS).

The project" Preparation of training programs on land and water resources protection with use information and communication technologies"

The project coordinator in SSAU : Zatinatsky S.V.
Period of implementation: The beginning of the project – on March 15, 2001
Project finish – on March 15, 2004

The project coordinator from Russia - professor of chair hydrologies, hydrometries and regulations of a sink environmental engineering Moscow state university -Doctor of Biological Science, Cand.Tech.Sci. - A.M. Zeyliger.
The international counteractor of the project – the manager of the international programs Wageningen University - E.Viyetsma (Netherlands).

12 teachers of SSAU (generally staff of faculty "Environmental engineering"), participated in the project, were trained and retraining by the modern information and communication to technologies in MGUP, for them with involvement of foreign experts was it is carried out six training of courses.

Consortium of the project:
- Three Russian universities (Moscow State University environmental engineering - MGUP, Saratov state agrarian university named after N. I. Vavilov - SSAU , the State university land management - public healthcare institution);
- Four universities from four countries of the European community (Wageningen university (Netherlands) – the counteractor of the project, Brandenburg technical university Cottbus (Germany), University of agrarian sciences Vienna (Austria), National school of roads and bridges (France));

- Two non-European universities (Merilendsky university (USA), DIKIN university (Australia));
- Nine Russian establishments of different profile (Department personnel policy and formation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Department of water resources of the Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation, Department of melioration and agricultural water-supply Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Saratov regional committee natural resources, Moscow-Oka pool-type control, Educational methodical combining in the direction an environmental engineering, The state Russian enterprise institute of monitoring of Earth – ROSIMZ, State research institute of water resources, melioration and the environmental environment – SOYuZVODPROEKT, Volga Ltd.);

- Two personal experts from the countries of the central and Eastern Europe, earlier heading Tempus projects (Dusan Hushka, the Slovak agrarian university Nitra (Slovakia), Stephane Ignar, the Warsaw agrarian university, (Poland)).

The main purpose of the project consisted in development of training programs on to training of masters in deep and effective use information communication technologies for use hollistichesky approach for the purpose of a sustainable development of soil and water resources in Russia and in other countries.

During the period of the project operation by teachers of three Russian universities training programs are developed and prepared methodical and manuals, and also the laboratory computer courses on 12 new disciplines. Generally these new disciplines are oriented on training in use of the various information and communication technologies field and distant data collection, information processing and control information highways in tasks of control soil and water resources on the basis of the basic knowledge gained earlier at the level bachelor degree. The acquired materials are intended for the joint uses when training on three created new educational to master programs. Within the project were created Moscow and Saratov regional centers of "Gidroinformatika".