International research and educational projects

International research and educational projects

The main purpose of the development of international scientific and educational cooperation of Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov is: - ensuring the recognition of the University to be an active member of the global scientific and educational process, improving the quality of training, both for Russia and for other countries. - integration of the University as an equal partner into the international scientific - technical space, cooperation with foreign scientific schools for the solution of the specific research problems and financial issues. For scientific - technical policy such cooperation means the strengthening of the role of the international component, purposeful use of this type of cooperation as a tool for economic growth. However, the increased participation of the Russian universities in international cooperation and division of labor should contribute to the progressive development of fundamental and exploratory research, the creation of modern systems of education. The University took an active part in various international scientific-technical and educational programs, such as: - TEMPUS - The INTAS program The N.I. Vavilov State Agrarian University participated in the implementation of two projects supported by the INTAS program: “Modeling of the optimal flows on irrigated lands” (2000 INTAS Food (No 436)) and “New trends in complex analysis and potential theory”. - The 6th framework programme of the European Union SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov participates in the implementation of the project “Sustainable technologies, reuse of wastewater for irrigated lands in the CIS countries and South Europe”, supported by the 6th framework programme of the European Union. Such projects have also been implemented as: projects of Fund "Eurasia" ("The creation of a system of information and advisory services to farmers in the Saratov region"; the international cooperation project with the University of Bonn, Germany ("Development of biological methods of protection of the main greenhouse crops from pests with the use of German technology"); projects of the Rotary International The one of such projects was the project of a computer class creation at the educational complex No. 3. With the support of the Rotary International a number of training courses for the teachers of our University in the United States were realized. The one of such trainings was a four-month training of English teachers - Romanova O.V. (head of the department) and Solotova N.V. (associate professor), training of Vasiliev A.A. (associate professor of the department of farm animal feeding), as well as a number of some other international training courses in foreign countries.